0 1 min 2 yrs

On June 16, 2023, Beijing time, in a Basketball Invitational Tournament held in Dandong-Fengcheng, Liaoning province, northeast tiger of Jilin Jiutai Agricultural and Commercial Bank defeated American explorers 85-81.

This is the first official match of Jilin Northeast Tiger men’s basketball after the end of last season, which is a test of the team training results in the past two months.

At the end of half time, Jilin Northeast Tiger 41-44 lagged behind American explorers. Cui Jinming scored 11 points in half, Ang Lee and Fu Bowen scored 7 points respectively.

The Jilin team was still 3 points behind 58-61 in the three-day battle.

In the last section, the whole team played an excellent and successful reversal, and finally won 85-81.

Cui Jinming and Jiang Yuxing scored the highest 14 points in the team, Li An scored 10 points, Jiang Weize and Dai huaibo scored 9 points respectively.

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