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Louis Dillon Williams, the forever sixth man alouv, just announced his retirement.

The 45th rookie in 2005. In 17 years, the NBA career started 122 games in 1123 games. The sixth person in the third annual session.

There is no more standard sixth person than him.

-Haverricek played the sixth man under Russell for several years and then became the Celtic pillar.

— Ginobili has always been the sixth person, but it was still the No. 2 champion team in the 2004-05 season.

-Odom was the sixth person after Gasol arrived.

-Clifford was the sixth person who went to Eagle.

The sixth person like Louis can play for a lifetime, which is unique.

There are two sixth people in NBA.

One is all purpose balm, which can meet any needs of the team, such as Odom in the Lakers’ era, such as kukocchi in the post three championships of the Bulls, such as igodala in the Warrior era.

Another kind of player has only one skill, specifically, one-on-one scoring: for example, Jamal Crawford, for example, Eric Gordon and Ben Gordon, for example, Jason Terry.

For example, alouv.

In 2012, igodala, the leader of 76 people in Philadelphia, lamented that Louis was so strange that the following sentence could be called the portrayal of alouv life:

“He is one of the most difficult guys in the league to defend, but why can’t he defend?”

Louis Williams 185cm, 79kg. When he played in South kunette high school, he always scored 50 points in a game. In 2005, he became the second scorer in Georgia high school basketball history, and was recognized as the third scoring guard and the seventh player in the United States.

Then 45th in the second round of NBA draft conference.

Because he is a 185cm point guard and a high school student. Lack of shooting skills of point guard, lack of organizing skills of organization guard, only one-on-one ball holding.

Destined to be the sixth person in Dragon get angry.

He always stood up from the bench and played, incarnating as a sharp sword: the strange pace when he strode into the crowd, shaking and spinning like a flying knife shadow. He is as soft as a snake, narrow and sharp, like the knife of a herringbone, and can easily travel between ox bone meat. He didn’t have a face of mingmenzhengpai-printed, and all he used were evil moves: emergency stop, Ball pulling, rotation and strong shot. The paint area is his private garden. He knows the measurement of rim like the palm of his hand. The liquid flows into the paint area, shooting the basket and making free throws without force.

Then, when you wait for him under the basket, he gives you a three-pointer.

He is a natural scorer. In high school, he just said to himself, “I can’t hear, I can’t see, I only care about scoring.” For him, scoring is very mature.

Allen Iverson was the same at the beginning: Before the competition, he would imagine all the processes of the competition and every action of his own: Breakthrough, emergency stop, shaking, layup, and Middle venture…… So did Louis. So in 2005-06, I felt happy when I was a teammate with Iverson alouv. He talked to Iverson like this:

“I don’t like college basketball, where the coach is the boss, forcing players to get up at half past five, they have to be forced to get up and run, no!”

He worked as a footman for AI for a year, and even AI took him to Atlantic City to gamble. He was so happy to watch it nearby: “I am with my idol!”

After AI retired, Louis was the closest to his existence: thin, short, smart, ghostly drifting, bloodthirsty scorer.

In 2011-12, as the sixth person, he became the chief scorer in Philadelphia. How incompatible is he with the world? In 2012, Coach Collins once fined him, “I actually slept in broad daylight!” But later, Coach Collins found that Louis didn’t sleep much at night but often dozed off during the day.

A killer who plays ball like sleepwalking.

In the 2014-15 season, he was 29 years old, and other gunner defenders were about to quit the league. He took the sixth person in the first year.

Then the rocket gave up.

How much does he play?

In the 23 games of the rockets in the 2016-17 season, when the first goal in the alouv game was won, the average score was 19 points and the hit rate was 51%.

When he lost the first shot in the opening game, he averaged 12 points and 32 percent hit.

The opening feel, just set a performance.

The general defender should retire. However……

In the 2017-18 season, he became the Trump card after losing Paul and Griffin’s Clippers: 22.6 points per game.

He was 31 years old this year, which was the age when he met AI.

31 years old, but he played 79 games healthily. He practiced everything: in the first four years of his career, he scored 132 three-point goals and 186 in this season. He can still hit free throws, with a hit rate of 88%. He even learned to break through scoring: 5.3 assists per game, and he could find his teammates after pulling the gear down. The unstable small projectile when he first entered, now it has become his signboard.

Someone has to take the Clippers. Someone has to shoot. So on January 10, 2018, he shot 50 points on the head of Jinzhou Warriors with 27 shots.

“I am half proud and half shy.” He said.

Next season, he even improved: he could do something else besides scoring.

He is no longer a lone ranger, he can find his teammates.

For example, he made 2 of 16 shots to the king, but sent 10 assists. It also included 4 shots to Eagle 15, and he sent 11 assists. He made 7 of 23 votes to Dallas, and he assisted 10 times.

In the 2018-19 season, alouv assisted in 10 7 games, and the Clippers won all.

He was certainly not as young as he was, but he also had the one-foot emergency stop back jump shot praised by Van Gandy as “the unique one-foot jump shot in the league”.

At the same time, he began to use more cover to get rid of it smartly; He used speed change and pace to rub himself into the position.

Peripheral opponents? Block it by cover; The one to make up the position? Change the rhythm card out of position.

So everything is natural and smooth.

In the spring of 2019, alouv said:

“Four years ago, I thought I was finished, and I felt that I had reached the end of my career…… When I was traded to the Clippers by Houston Rockets, I told some of my friends that it was almost my last season and I probably had to retire. As a result, I came up with my own secret farewell party. As a result, I went to Los Angeles and took the sixth person of the year. I perked up again. I also need an annual sixth person award this year. I am optimistic about the future!”

— His character is still so ups and downs: easy to be happy, easy to be depressed.

But the meaning of talent is: adjust it in another way, and it can be redisplayed.

After adapting to the Times, alouv a 32-year-old little defender can still score, organize, and move as he pleases.

Then he won his third sixth person Award of the year.

In the 2019 Playoffs, people who have experienced it probably remember: in the second game, he assisted the Warriors with 36 points and 11 points at home, and won with the Clippers; After being defeated by the Warriors to 3 to 1, durant scored 45 points in the fifth game, but played 33 points and 10 assists alouv, dragging the game into the sixth game.

This forced Durant’s sixth game 50 points.

Of course, he is not very suitable for NBA after all, but he doesn’t care.

In 2018, he was not selected as an All-Star. However, when speaking, his tone seemed to be the AI of that year:

“This is a famous business. I know the way here.” He didn’t care about all-star, but called AI every week: talking about basketball and rap composition. For him, rhythm is very important, “I grew up in a music family!”

The main pleasure of his life, except playing ball games and chatting music, is taking a nap.

“On the match day, at 11 am, I had a egg roll fried with protein, a potato pancake, some chicken sausage, then slept, slept from 1 pm to 4 pm, and then went to play the game…… I don’t sleep much at night! I just often take a long nap!”

This is alouv.

Thin and sharp machete, daytime don’t know dark night weird guys, hip hop players who don’t care about all stars and their idols and music are more suitable for the sixth people who play as they like than starting a substitute.

Whether he was unruly or casual, he just took a nap and played music, becoming the most lasting bench killer in NBA history. To some extent, he is the true successor of Allen Iverson and their style in NBA.

True stubbornness does not have to go against the sky, so it is also a choice to do whatever you want on the basketball court, shrug your shoulders and take a nap under the basketball court, and go sleepwalking lightly.

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