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On the evening of June 18, the final of the 25th Chinese College Basketball League (CUBAL) men’s first-class league ended. Guangdong University of Technology defeated Tsinghua University men’s basketball 87-83 men’s basketball and won the championship in young pioneer team history, I searched with 50000 chicken legs added by the school. This South Guangdong team has no outstanding talent, but it can launch an impact on the powerful Tsinghua for two consecutive years and successfully reach the top. It cannot be separated from the accumulated training and the excellent style developed in the competition.


The canteen adds 50000 chicken legs to the whole school.

From 9 points behind in the last quarter to 12.9 seconds before the end of the game, Zeng Chengcheng, who was “big heart”, scored three points instead of the score. Finally, Chen Guohao, the star in charge, was punished to lock in the victory, guanggong won the championship trophy at Chengdu le power Xiangcheng Sports Center men’s basketball.

There are Guangdong fans coming from afar and local audiences on the scene. During the competition, they have been cheering for Guanggong men’s basketball. In Call of Duty, the audience shouted “defense” for them; Chen Guohao won with two penalties, and the voice of “MVP” was even louder. The seats of the players and coaches in the press conference hall are facing two glass doors. When the head coach Yu Guanglong and the MVP of the finals Chen Guohao arrived, several layers of people outside the door kept cheering and waving, such enthusiasm moved Guanggong men’s basketball soldiers deeply.

After that, the champion was shot. Chen Guohao also had to participate in sponsor activities. It was nearly midnight when the team returned to the hotel and changed the flight planned for the next afternoon to the morning, because all the teachers and students couldn’t wait to welcome the heroes, there are also relevant leaders from Guangdong province who want to meet. The peers in Guangzhou lamented that such a battle was no less than Guangdong’s winning the CBA championship men’s basketball.

On the 19th, Qiu Xueqing, president of Guangdong University of Technology, led a team to pick up the plane. At the same time, the school canteen posted a notice of “celebrating men’s basketball winning the championship and adding chicken legs to the whole school. Qiu Xueqing revealed that 50000 chicken legs were prepared this time. “There is a custom in Guangdong, and the happy thing is to eat chicken to celebrate.” When he said this, his face was full of hidden smiles.

Behind the scenes

Encourage players to go out to participate and accumulate experience

This was the third season in which Guanglong served as the head coach of Guanggong men’s basketball. It was also the second year in a row that the team entered the finals and finally won the championship for the first time young pioneer team history. According to CUBAL’s practice, the champion team cut the basketable nets ceremony, and the final one should be completed by the coach. He held the whole net in his hand and waved excitedly. Below was the bursts of cheers from the students and the whole audience. He just got off the ladder and was lifted up by the whole team and threw it into the air.

On the night of winning the championship, Yu Guanglong realized the joy of “leaving the surface of the Earth. Until he sat down for an interview, he said frankly that this feeling was not true. After all, after graduation of song Yilang and reimbursement of the main forward Liu kangneng for the season, Guanggong’s overall strength declined men’s basketball this year, moreover, difficulties were encountered in the Southeast Division and the national top 32. On the other hand, last year’s finals lost only 3 points in Tsinghua, which made the outside world pay more attention to Guanggong men’s basketball. This is an invisible pressure. Yu Guanglong has always reminded the players to focus, train and prepare for the battle step by step, and correct the position, “We are not the strongest team yet.”

Guangdong University of Technology is not “985” or “211”. The men’s basketball of this “ordinary” University does not have many enrollment advantages. In this year’s lineup, chen Guohao, who is 2.01, is already the first height in the team. In Guanglong’s view, this is the norm of most CUBAL teams. “The talent of players is not particularly good, especially in terms of height, everyone relies on hard work, including coaches.”

The main training courses of CUBAL team are basically arranged in the afternoon, and the same is true for Guanggong men’s basketball, but there will be a lot of confrontation content in the afternoon training course. In addition, there are 2 morning exercises and 2 strength trainings per week. In Guanglong’s view, such intensity is not the most bitter, but the effect is quite good. This year’s main lineup is basically competent for the test of long-time combat. Chen Guohao often plays the whole game, you can also stay online.

Rooted in the hot basketball atmosphere in Guangdong, Guanggong men’s basketball has many games to play. The coaching staff also encourages players to go out to participate in the competition and accumulate experience on the premise of self-protection. “Those games, the opponent will not care where you come from or who gives up, which is relatively stronger than our internal confrontation.” Introduction to Yu Guanglong.

In this mode, Guanggong men’s basketball played everyone’s role to the maximum and formed a tenacious style. Yu Guanglong named Zhou Zeyuan, the pitcher: he committed four crimes in the first half, but he stayed until the end. In the second half, he had two cramp, all of which were slow and then played. If he couldn’t go on, he also dropped the key three points when he was 9 points behind the last quarter. “The basic requirements of defense and rebound will be implemented without any effort, and there will be no discouragement or abandonment. We can feel that our cohesion is getting better and better.” The most gratifying thing to Guanglong is that this summit can also usher in a qualitative leap in the spirit level of the team.


The three main forces left the team next year or now “five dead children”

Chen Guohao led the team to the top in his last CUBAL match and won the MVP again, which ended perfectly. For Guanglong and the team, after stepping down the podium, they have to start from scratch. Year after year, this young coach has become accustomed to such a rhythm. Only this time, he preset a more difficult start.

In addition to Chen Guohao, Guanggong also graduated from Gao Yufeng and Lu men’s basketball Jianhao this year, which means that there will be a big adjustment in the first lineup next year. Yu Guanglong has initially set up a framework in his mind: “We must not lose the things we watch at the defensive end, but because of personnel adjustment, some specific defensive strategies need to be changed,” he said, “The current second lineup must be on the top, and then tap the potential internally to make up for the influence of the three main forces after leaving the team. Lu retired Jianhao, and the pitcher once won (the final hit more than three points) can make up, and the rest of the positions have to look for the appropriate type of players.”

When the new semester comes, Guanggong will join five new players men’s basketball. Yu Guanglong introduced that the highest is 1.98 meters, and the other four are all around 1.9 meters. “In this way, our overall height will drop again. After the newcomers join, they still need to integrate a little bit and run in through the competition. It really doesn’t work. They can only go to five small-sized.”

Fans and all the workers are still immersed in the ecstasy of winning the championship, but Yu Guanglong has seen further. Campus basketball is so full of variables, “We will definitely be more difficult next year, and it is likely that the results will come down, however, the whole team will work together to polish it well and play the spirit of Guanggong. Even if they want to play a play-in, they will take every game seriously and go as far as possible, live up to everyone’s expectations.”

(Text/Beijing News reporter Liu Chen)

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