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On June 18, the first-class men’s basketball national finals of the 25th Chinese College Basketball League officially ended in Chengdu leqian Xiangcheng sports center. Under the tenacious struggle of all people, Guangdong University of Technology, in the end, Tsinghua University won the national championship for the first time with Zeng Yicheng’s three points lore! Tsinghua University won the national runner-up, and Beijing Sports University won the national runner-up!

[Tsinghua University 83-87 Guangdong University of Technology]]

# CUBAL champion of Guangdong University of Technology## The End of Guangdong University of Technology Tsinghua three successive championships#

At the beginning of the game, Lu hit the first goal in Jianhao three points, and Tsinghua used counterattack to complete a strong response of 7-0 smackdown. Zouyang fought back, but since then, the offensive efficiency of Tsinghua has dropped significantly. In the 4-minute period, he only got 2 points through free throws. Zhou Zeyuan and Chen Guo won the lead haolian hand strap after completing the 10-2 SmackDown, zhu Siyu made a good layup to break the shortage of scoring. Fang Jiachen also helped Tsinghua narrow the score difference after two consecutive goals. At the end of the first quarter, Guanggong was 22-17 leading by 5 points. On the second festival, Tsinghua strengthened its defense. Fang Jiachen led the team to play the 8-2 offensive against the score. Zhou Zeyuan stepped forward, and Li Tuo outcast company held 6 points to stabilize the situation, then he completed the snatch and long-distance assistance. His teammates hit Tsinghua in the middle of the three points. Fang Jiachen scored and helped to pick and lead the team to catch up. Guanggong gave a response by playing a goal in the back run. The two teams were tied in a single section, and Guanggong was 44-39 leading Tsinghua by 5 points in half-time. It is worth mentioning that Zhou Zeyuan, who got 11 points and 5 assists at half time, has accumulated 4 fouls, and Fang Jiachen, who also got 11 points, also had 3 fouls.

Yi Bian fought again, Tsinghua took the lead in making efforts, and even threw a 7-0 offensive against the score. Zhou Zeyuan continued to export efficiently, and Chen Guohao also succeeded in repairing the battle. Tsinghua’s multi-point flowering completed a strong response of 8-0. After Zhou Zeyuan was injured, Chen Guohao stepped forward. He even got 8 points for the penalty and helped his teammates hit the middle three points. He led Guanggong to complete the 13-2 SmackDown to regain the lead. Fang Jiachen managed to stop bleeding after attacking and throwing. After finishing the three sections, Guanggong 64-63 has a 1-point advantage. In the final decisive battle, Guanggong made mistakes in a row. Fang Jiachen set a counterattack to lead the team to complete the 6-0 climax again. Zhou Zeyuan hit three points, and Tsinghua took the initiative to rush for the rebound in the front court, fang Jiacheng and zouyang joined hands to lead the team to expand their advantages. Guo guocan continued his life in three points. Guanggong even sent a tough penalty to make the difference close to only 2 points. The competition between the two sides fell into White Heat. Fang Jiachen quickly won a one-stop attack. However, since then, Tsinghua has made continuous mistakes. Chen Guohao reduced the score difference to only one point after another, and Tsinghua made another mistake, zeng Yicheng’s magic pen was three points and one arrow went through the heart, and Guanggong exceeded 2 points. Fang Jiachen absolutely missed the vote, and Chen Guohao took two penalties to kill the game. In the end, Guanggong took revenge on Tsinghua and won the championship.

In terms of data, Guangdong University of Technology Chen Guohao scored 30 points, 10 rebounds, 2 assists, Zhou Zeyuan scored 18 points, 5 rebounds, 5 assists, 2 steals, 2 cap, Zeng Yicheng scored 13 points, 2 assists, and Gao Yufeng scored 6 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists; fang Jiachen, Tsinghua University, scored 29 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists, 4 steals, Zou Yang scored 17 points and 8 rebounds, 2 steals, Yang Xihao scored 9 points and 13 rebounds, Xu Xitong scored 12 points and 3 rebounds.

[Chen Guohao was elected as the most valuable player in the finals]]

Chen Guohao won the luxury data of 30 points, 10 rebounds and 2 assists, led the team to end Tsinghua three successive championships and finally won the national championship! MVP deserves its reputation!

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