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Before Father’s Day, we talked with Cui Yongxi’s father Cui Mingguang. Now, Cui Mingguang’s most popular title is no longer “Guangxi wild ball king”, but “Cui Yongxi’s father”.

Cui Yongxi, a young man who just turned 20 at the end of May, was selected into the latest national men’s basketball training list. Among the hottest names in Chinese basketball circles in 2023, Cui Yongxi must not be missing.

However, such a basketball player with a height of 1.99 meters once had no interest in basketball. In order to let his son pick up this basketball, Cui Mingguang took great pains. What method did he use to take Cui Yongxi on the road of basketball?

Text/Ling Yi II

Father and son in the same competition (left one, left two)

Cui Mingguang is not a professional player, but in his hometown, he has the title of “Guangxi wild ball king.

When he was 16 years old in high school, Cui Mingguang began to play basketball. After graduating from high school, he worked in Maoming Petrochemical railway transportation company. The workers in the factory liked sports. When they rested every day, everyone gathered to play basketball on the basketball court. Although it started late, Cui Mingguang played NBL with his athletic talent and had a personal record of 16 three-pointers in a single game.

After Cui Yongxi was born, his father naturally hoped that his son could also like playing basketball. Contrary to his father, Cui Yongxi was not interested in basketball.

Cui Yongxi got pneumonia when he was born, and his heart and lung function was not good since he was young. He had a bad breath after running a few steps before he was 4 years old. Dad makes a duck soup for Cui Yongxi every week, and puts some medicinal materials in it to recuperate him by medicinal dishes. At the same time of food supplement, he took his son to run every day, gradually strengthening his heart and lung function.

Running made Cui Mingguang have an unexpected discovery-his son inherited his father’s athletic talent. In the 100-meter competition in grade 4 of primary school, Cui Yongxi left other children behind at the moment go by like the wind when the whistle rang. In the shot competition of the elementary school sports meeting in Jiangnan district, Nanning city, my father only taught him a few simple movements, and Cui Yongxi won the first place.

It’s a pity that this sports talent doesn’t play basketball…… There was a ripple in Cui Mingguang’s heart, and he thought it was time for his son to try basketball.

Every time Cui Mingguang played ball, he would take Cui Yongxi with him. Cui Yongxi just waited on the side of the court and went home together after his father played the ball.

Give the ball to him, and he will reply to his father’s three words: “I don’t play.”

Cui Mingguang showed enough patience in his son. “He doesn’t play, and I don’t force him. Let him play by himself, but every time I play, I will still take him.”

Cui Yongxi and Liao Sanning

Later, Cui Mingguang began to talk with his son about conditions: how can you play basketball?

“Then you buy me a gun.” — Dad found a breakthrough. From then on, there were all kinds of toy gun everywhere in the house. When toy gun could not satisfy Cui Yongxi, Dad would buy other toys, cui Yongxi was “tricked” by his father step by step on the basketball Road.

Cui Yongxi was very obedient when he was a child. He never caused any trouble to his father outside. He only got twice when he was a child, which made Cui Mingguang still remember. But being beaten is never related to basketball. Lao Cui has his own thoughts, “I want to keep him interested in basketball, so I will never have any contradiction with him in basketball.”

It is said that only a woman like you is fully reflected in Cui Mingguang. His delicate mind is also reflected in preventing his son from being injured: when running with Cui Yongxi, dad occasionally tied iron block on his son’s shoes, but he never had strength. “I don’t think there is much need to practice strength before graduating from primary school, which is not in line with the child’s physical development. Therefore, Cui Yongxi did not do strength training since he was a child and did not enter the strength room. The only physical training was running.”

And Cui Mingguang taught his son the first basketball skill to hide from others. He does not advocate being tough. When the other party is stronger, he must hide first-this is also the reason why Cui Yongxi has not been seriously injured so far.

Cui Mingguang started a basketball training class. At first, only Cui Yongxi, Liao Sanning and the children of two or three friends trained together. Cui Mingguang always told his son not to call my father when training on his way to training.

Cui Yongxi blurted out “Dad” several times occasionally. After realizing it, he would immediately change his mouth. In this way, under the leadership of “coach Cui”, Cui Yongxi’s initial basketball Road was very smooth and gradually found fun in this sport.

Liao Sanning, who was older than Cui Yongxi, was selected by Li Qun training camp when he was in grade 6. The small partners who accompanied and competed all the way left, which brought a lot of touch to Cui Yongxi.

Later, Cui Yongxi also welcomed the opportunity to select candidates from Li Qun training camp.

“Do you want to go to Dongguan Basketball School?” Cui Mingguang asked his son for advice. After all, Cui Yongxi’s academic performance in primary school was very good, ranking first in the class.

“Think.” Cui Yongxi’s answer was simple and straightforward.

Once you go, you will stick to it all the time.” Dad said.


Cui Yongxi still has a firm attitude. Although he also likes studying, he has already preferred basketball at the age of 12. Another reason why he wants to go to Dongguan Basketball School is that, he is going to find his little buddy Liao Sanning.

In July 2015, Cui Mingguang sent his son to Dongguan Basketball School.

After that, Cui Yongxi’s story was known by more people. In 2018, he won the national U15 league championship; In 2019, he became one of the four Chinese players selected for the Australian NBA Global Elite program; In 2020, Cui Yongxi was invited to participate in the “basketball borderless international training camp”, continue to wantonly spread his talent.

In August 2022, Cui Yongxi completed the registration of CBA domestic players on behalf of Guangzhou men’s basketball. He played 39 regular season matches in the 2022-23 season and handed over 11.9 points, 5.5 rebounds, comprehensive transcript of 2.7 assists and 2.0 steals.

Magnesium light surrounded by overwhelming media reports, Cui Yongxi has become a hot figure in Chinese basketball. “It used to be my fire, but now I borrow a little light from Cui Yongxi.” Speaking of his son’s current achievements, Cui Mingguang said proudly.

Basketball training classes are also expanding. “Now there are 200 or 300 students. I have hired some Coaches. I don’t need to teach myself every day. I only need to give the children two classes a week.”

With more time and energy, Cui Mingguang seemed to have found a new goal: like Cui Yongxi at the beginning, now he began to practice basketball with his little daughter, “It was also even coaxing her to get in touch with basketball, but how to cheat her well, I haven’t figured out a way yet.” Cui Mingguang joked half, “her athletic talent is also very good. She can lay in the normal rim at the age of six or seven.” At this time, Cui Ming’s eyes reflected light again.

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