0 2 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, June 18 news today’s Warriors star dream-chasing accepted an exclusive interview with fame Spears.

Spears asked, “How much time do you spend with your children this season?”

Dream chasing said: “As long as I can, I will stay as long as I can. I often send my children to school. We will cross the Bay Bridge within 30 minutes. This is a very meaningful period of time. Therefore, I will try this trip as much as possible and get bored with them when I get home. This is the most important thing and they need me to do it.”

Spears asked, “How is your relationship with your father?”

Dream chasing: “I grew up with my father I am. I was not a person who grew up without my father. When I was around 12 or 13 years old, there are some things happening in my life that have impacted me, but I will not disrespect those who are not accompanied by my father when I grow up. After 12 years old, I only lived with my mother, but I am grew up with my father, grandfather and uncle. There are many great men in my life who taught me a sense of responsibility, in any case, if you have the courage to take responsibility, no matter what situation you encounter, you must face it bravely.

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