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Under the guidance of Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau and sponsored by Guangdong Provincial Sports Foundation, the “go with champion” public welfare activity came to East Longzhong School, Huilai county, Jieyang city, Guangdong province on June 13. Du Feng, the former head coach of China men’s basketball and the head coach of Guangdong men’s basketball, came to the scene to guide youth basketball training, donate sports facilities and equipment, convey sports spirit and help rural revitalization, which was highly praised by all teachers and students.

It is understood that “go with the champion” is a public welfare project focused on by Guangdong Sports Foundation. By telling the story of the champion well, giving full play to the power of the model of the new era, promoting the development of youth sports and practicing the social public welfare responsibility, establish a new fashion of Public Welfare Sports and convey the spirit of sports.

Du Feng, who first came to East Longzhong school, felt the kindness of the students and was also attracted by the school environment. Before the start of the activity, Du Feng, together with the guests, visited the school history museum. He sighed that the school has a long history, rich details and abundant talents. It is the cradle for students to take off and the fertile field for teachers to grow up.

In the activity, Du Feng first led the students to conduct a concentration training, telling them that concentration can help us better face the difficulties in life and study, and it is also our overcoming laziness, A magic weapon to improve learning efficiency. At the same time, Du Feng’s guidance explained his experience from players to coaches to students. During this period, students were encouraged to actively participate in sports, I hope more and more people can improve their quality of life through sports.

Students cherish this opportunity very much and ask questions and interact with Du Feng one after another. Du Feng also prepared some interesting questions for students to learn about sports and basketball through knowledge.

The organizer of the event and Du Feng joined hands with Guangdong qinglianfeng fund to donate sports facilities and equipment such as Du Feng basketball court, basketball and football to the school to fulfill the public welfare mission and help the realization of teenagers’ sports dreams.

Finally, Du Feng instructed the students to interact closely with each other and personally guided the basketball essentials for the students. All the students on the court showed their own skills. During the interaction, each student wore a “mysterious watch”, and the physical sign data of the student was clear in the screen on one side. For the first time, the activity brought science and technology elements to the school, bringing a one-stop physical health monitoring and solution platform to the school and students. Through the way of smart sports + Basketball, education is entertaining.

Founded in 1960, donglongzhong School, Huilai County is a full-time junior high school with 2424 students, 50 teaching classes and 164 teaching staff. The school focuses on “educating people as the foundation, the school-running philosophy of quality first, striving to practice the school motto of” self-discipline and self-improvement, and being confident in diligent in study “, advocating the school spirit of” being truly beautiful and upright “, and gradually forming the school spirit of” erudition and humanity, the teaching style and study style of guiding the heart and guiding the action “and” learning the music LESI, and moving up to the good.

This activity is the first time that the “go with champion” public welfare activity came to eastern Guangdong, playing a positive role in the public welfare platform, fully integrating elements such as public welfare donation, smart sports, sports and education integration, and eastern Guangdong style.

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