0 2 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast bar, June 14 -final G5, Heat 89-94 lost to Nuggets, NBA official issued the last referee report of the season: in the last 2 minutes, there were four wrong and missed judgments, two against Nuggets, two are bad for the Heat.

1. At the last 1 minute 38 seconds, the heat was 89-88 nuggets. Luo Rui’s single defense against yokiki finally made a fight for the ball. However, the referee sent Luo Rui a foul and the Nuggets opened the ball in the front court. This was a wrong judgment.

2. It was still this round. The nuggets kicked the ball in the front court. Murray didn’t make a score. Butler card hooked Gordon’s arm. This was a foul, but the referee didn’t blow the penalty, while the Nuggets Brown took the opportunity to make up the basket and hit in!

3. In the last 48 seconds, the Heat fell 1 point behind. Similar to the last ball, Butler hooked Gordon’s arm to form a foul. This was a missed judgment. Gordon broke free and did not enter the basket.

4. In the last 18 seconds, jokedge’s defense did not blow for three seconds. This is a missed judgment.

NBA referee report

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