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Heavy penalty! Official: Morant suspended 25 games without pay & return needs to meet specific conditions

Today, the league officially announced that the first 25 games of the 2023-24 season were banned. Morant will be required to meet certain conditions (unannounced) before returning to the Grizzlies. During the suspension, he is not qualified to participate in any public league or training activities, including preseason.

American netizens had a wide discussion on the punishment of Morant by the alliance. The following are some comments from American netizens compiled by the editor.

[-]THARMASTER 3 points 14 hours ago

Only 25 games ??? But when I wield a gun at my local Walmart I get put in jail

Fans: only 25 games are banned??? I also waved a gun in Wal-Mart supermarket before. I TM went directly to prison!!

[-]altruisticdisaster 2 points 15 hours ago

This just means he’ll be executed during the suspension right?

Fans: So I ask weakly, does the ban on 25 games mean that Morant will be executed during the ban?

[-]jrbcnchezbrg 2040 points 12 hours ago

Ja after the 28th game of the season

Fans: look upstairs. After 28 games next season, Morant… It’s like this…

[-]daft_dunkwwwolfey. 408 points 10 hours ago

Ja celebrating only getting 25 with parole

Fans: hearing that he only got 25 banned matches and could come back after meeting some conditions, Morant celebrated…

[-]Rawkus2112 40 points 9 hours ago

Nah hes fucked. Thats a full offseason + a couple months. Theres no way he doesnt flash a gun somewhere on social media in that span

Fans: What do people upstairs know? Morant, he’s finished! After the whole off-season + a few months, there was nothing to do. During this period, Morant was not in the social media to show a gun? Can he hold it? Wait for him to die!

[-]Eaglewarrior33 13 points 6 hours ago

David Stern must be rolling in his grave right now. He would’ve given us the public execution we all wanted.

Fan: when David Stern heard this punishment, he would be tossing and turning with anger when lying in the coffin ~~ if Stern was punished, it would definitely be as we wish, he will pull Morant to the restaurant to behead him in public!

Note: Stern is the former president of NBA league.

[-]gifcartel 1 point 2 hours ago

Daddy Stern wouldve pulled the trigger himself

Fans: What is FEI doing? If Stern comes, he will carry a gun to pick Morant up himself!

[-]Olympix[S] 1522 points 13 hours ago

I was expecting a public beheading at minimum

Fans: Yes! Is that it? I thought it was not easy to talk about a beheading in public…

[-]kyozr. 54 points 9 hours ago

Get that ne’er-do-good, crackhead, hoodrat, thuggish, gangster boy out of the league

Fans: I’m sick of it. Hurry up and drive this loser, brain-dead gun addict, rotten gangster, violent maniac and underworld out of the league!!!

[-]Drawer85 16 points 8 hours ago

The funniest part is Adam silver acting like the sentence was something really big and manages to trick everyone.

Fans: The most funny thing is that Xiao Hua made it as if the punishment would be quite serious before. As a result, when the punishment came out, this guy would collapse, it flashed everyone’s waist…

[-]solarscopez. 9 points 8 hours ago

I thought Adam Silver would whip out his proboscis, drill it into Ja’s skull, liquify his brain and then sip it up like a caprisun pouch.

Shows how soft the NBA has become.

Fans: Yes! I thought Xiao Hua would catch Morant and put his mouth into the latter’s skull to melt his brain! Then dry Morant’s brains with one bite! Morant’s skull was drawn by Xiao Hua as flat and soft as a pocket!

[-]dthev25 921 points 13 hours ago

Must have been a mistype. Think he meant 25 seasons.

Fans: No! This penalty announcement must be written incorrectly! Xiao Hua’s original intention should be to ban 25 seasons ~ ~

[-]heyitscool17 173 points 13 hours ago

25 life sentences

Fans: No! The original intention should be 25 life imprisonment!

[-]legarrettesblount 57 points 12 hours ago

25 executions

Fans: What! Shouldn’t it be 25 minutes of shooting?

[-]IndycarFan64 18 points 12 hours ago

25 soap drops

Fans: it’s too cheap to kill him. I think it should be 25 times of soap ~ ~ ~

[-]AppropriatePack6759 99 points 13 hours ago

I feel like this decision wasn’t actually Adam Silver’s but a doppelganger sent by Ja’s shadow hood gang after they raped and killed his body and dumped it somewhere in Spokane. I have no source or whatsoever but I feel like what I’m saying is definitely true. Never always trust what the naked eye could see.

Fans: Comrades, I seriously think this punishment decision was not made by Xiao Hua himself! But the “shadow gang” behind Morant arrested Xiao Hua and raped him, then killed him and threw his body somewhere in Boken city, then sent a person who looks exactly like Xiao Hua to release this punishment decision! Although I don’t have exact evidence, my sixth sense tells me that my guess is absolutely not wrong! I advise you not to believe everything your eyes see all the time!!

[-]Deksametazon_v2 34 points 12 hours ago

This message is sponsored by the Shadow Government

Fans: Yes! This penalty announcement was approved and released by the shadow gang power center!

[-]8_bw 63 points 12 hours ago

Ja Morant has been warned that he can only flash a gun 25 more times before Adam Silver gets vewy angwy

Fans: you don’t know anything. In fact, Morant has been seriously warned!! He was warned that he could only dazzle the gun 25 times at most. Otherwise, Xiao Hua would be very angry!

(Morant: OK, OK, Mr. Xiao Hua, I know, Woops ha ha ha ha ha ha)

[-]Olympix[S] 457 points 13 hours ago

Adam Silver is a bigger THUG than Ja ever was just for hyping this up like crazy and delivering this mid suspension

Fan: Xiao Hua is a more mixed bastard than Morant! He set off the whole atmosphere to an explosion before, and finally he got such a painless ban!

[-]SaulPepper 129 points 11 hours ago

“Oh no.. I cant say it now because the Nuggets wont get their attention hur hur”

Does three interviews saying the same thing instead of going mum, basically hyping this beheading

“I suspend Ja for barely more than quarter of a seasonsorry I know its too much, too bloody”

Fans: “No, no! I can’t say it yet! It will distract the Nuggets finals! Hey Hey ~~~ “in the previous three interviews, Xiao Hua said the same thing every time, setting off the atmosphere to the point of a decisive decision!

In the end, there came such a saying: “I have decided that I will ban semolant for nearly a quarter of the season!Sorry, I know I know, this is really a bit too much, too cruel ~ ~ ~”

[-]WalkingTheD0g1 137 points 13 hours ago

Pathetic. If the league cared at all about it this issue, they would have amputated both of his arms.

Fans: This punishment is a tragedy! If the alliance really valued this event and dealt with it seriously, Morant’s two hands would probably be cut off!

[-]PM_ME_CHIPOTLE2 23 points 11 hours ago

I have to believe they at least secretly castrated him.

Fans: Yes! I can only persuade myself to tell myself that at least the alliance should have castrated Morant quietly, otherwise the intensity of public punishment would not be so low.

[-]george_costanza1234 58 points 13 hours ago

This bald fraud would’ve given Ron Artest a bonus and a blowjob for Malice at the Palace

Fans: If Xiao Hua, a dead bald donkey, was allowed to deal with the fight at opburn mountain palace in Metta World Peace, he estimated that he would have to reward Metta World Peace severely, and then it was not enough. He was satisfied after giving the latter a flute!

(The Fight at Auburn mountain palace in that year)

[-]ChiefKeef786 111 points 14 hours ago

Gilbert would have brought the guns out during a game in this era

Fans: if Arenas plays in today’s league, he may have at least two guns in his crotch when he plays!

Source: Reddit

Compilation: River wave end


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