0 2 min 1 yr

Live Bar, June 12th news after completing today’s training, Murray was interviewed by the media.

When talking about the Heat’s three-pointer threat, Murray said: “The Heat’s shooters are running all the time. Deng Luo will use the cover of Adebayor to receive the ball. Strous is not very good, but he got some good opportunities. Therefore, we cannot give their shooters a three-point chance.

“We know they will make some goals, but at the same time we need to maintain discipline and not give them three points. I think we have done a good job in this aspect. In the last game, we gave them some chances to lay down and dunk easily, but grabbed their three-pointer, which weakened their attack to a great extent.

“We followed the hot shooters and let Aron Gordon defend Butler one-on-one. The same was true when jokedge defended Adebayor. But even though we planned to grab their three-pointer, they still got some good opportunities.

“Therefore, we need to play the spirit of 12 points, reduce hesitation, quickly retreat from defense, and not allow them to easily score and shoot, so that even if they have the chance to shoot, it is also under our interference.”

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