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On the evening of the 13th, China men’s basketball released a large list of 18 people in the World Cup. After a period of self-media debate a while ago, the response of the list itself was not so great.

Personally, I think that no one on this list is the key to the success or failure of the World Cup. The most important thing is the training and training competition in the next two months.

Due to injuries, famous generals like Guo Allen and Wu Qian who participated in the FIFA World Cup qualification national team were not on the big list. However, due to the intentional and unintentional early leak, the fans have already played preventive injection.

The focus of attention jumped out from the list, which helped to relieve pressure on China’s men’s basketball and let head coach Joe Evich concentrate on preparing for the next high-intensity training and long-distance training.

Training is not only an important process of screening the final list of 12 people, but also a process of establishing a team ID, that is, establishing a team’s playing style, characteristics and mental outlook.

Different from the past, the ultimate list is likely to have naturalized player Carl Anderson, and the fans have given him the Chinese name “Li Kele”.

Xu Jicheng, the new vice chairman of China Basketball Association and chairman of CBA company, revealed three points at the press conference of Jinjiang international basketball Expo: if the process is going smoothly, there will be gains.

Li Keel’s joining will greatly change China’s men’s basketball style of play, because in the past, the Chinese team was instigated by core defenders, but Li Keel has excellent ability to respond to attacks, this will enrich the tactics of the Chinese team.

Of course, the joining of Li Kael will set off fierce competition on the forward line. Among the existing list of 18 people, those who can play the same position with Li Kele include Hu Jinqiu, Zhang Zhenlin, Zhou Peng, Zeng fanbo, Even du runwang and Zhu Junlong. Among these forwards, Hu Jinqiu played 4 full-time and could play 5 during rotation. Zeng fanbo, Zhang Zhenlin and Zhou Peng were all 3 or 4, both Zhu Junlong And du runwang can appear in the No. 4 position of the small lineup, one is partial, one is partial.

If Li keel can join smoothly, it will make the trend of Chinese men’s basketball strikers more obvious, which is in line with the trend of world basketball.

The direction of the world trend is to reduce the height of the inner line, increase the height of the outer line, and increase the height of the outer line. In the past, China had a natural advantage in Asia Men’s Basketball. However, in the World Series, the striker could not play the leading role, but could only be a role player, and his performance could not be improved essentially.

Li Kelle can also reduce the pressure of the core defender to some extent. This time, although Guo Allen and Wu did not enter the list for the time being, they still chose Zhao Jiwei, Sun Minghui, Zhao Rui, Fang Shuo and Cheng Shuai. In the case of the opponent pressing the ball holder, china men’s basketball can have a high quality transfer station.

Therefore, I am not very interested in who is on the 18th National People’s Congress list and who is not on the last 12 People list. Instead, I especially look forward to watching the warm-up match of China men’s basketball, because this is since 2009, the biggest change in Chinese style men’s basketball.

Old Joe doesn’t know much about China’s national conditions and always thinks that this list can be entered and released. Therefore, he doesn’t agree with the announcement of the big list so early, but Chinese fans are so anxious.

Now he can focus all his energy on the training, because the next high-intensity training is the most important. The team members need to run through all the tactics and keep in mind the coach’s requirements within a month, and it was fully demonstrated when I went to Europe for training.

From Li Nan to Du Feng and then to Lao Qiao, in a short period of three to four years, China’s men’s basketball coaches have changed a lot. Especially the famous European coaches, their thinking and requirements must be very different from those of Chinese coaches. A famous general of the national team once said that it took Yunus men’s basketball to take China in those years before everyone fully understood his requirements. For example, when the opponent started to start, you know which position you should go to. This is an instinctive reaction. It can’t be done without a lot of training and warm-up competitions.

Therefore, time is very tense for old Joe. After all, the normal playing environment of these players in China men’s basketball is completely incomparable with that of Serbia. In Serbia, you may only need to organically combine players with different characteristics to play the characteristics required by the coach, but the Chinese men’s basketball still needs many basic improvements, such as defensive habits, basic skills of shooting.

Of course, Old Joe’s goal is not to defeat Serbia in the group match. What he wants to do is to win two matches, with South Sudan and Puerto Rico.

Many people think that there is not much hope to win in the group match. They must compete in the qualifying match. I am different from this tone. I think it is entirely possible to win South Sudan, and they must win. It is Puerto Rico that is difficult to play, after all, compared with that year, China’s men’s basketball lacked a leading center like Yao Ming, and the outside shooting was seriously degraded.

After the striker became highly advanced, whether the Chinese team could keep up with the speed of the opponent, limit the opponent’s offensive and defensive conversion and three-point goal was the key to winning the Puerto Rico team. “defending” was only one aspect, good attack is the first magic weapon of speed restriction.

In this way, Old Joe’s ultimate list must go through these two months of training and training before it can be finalized. The current big list is somewhat different from everyone’s imagination. Two months later, it is not worth mentioning.

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