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Miami failed to continue the miracle until the last moment of the season. In front of Denver, the familiar sense of powerlessness reappeared. Jimmy didn’t score 30 points since he won G1. He managed his mistakes well, patiently searching for the flaw that the nugget defense line leaked, and pinned his hopes on the fatal blow of the shooter. The Nuggets predicted his prediction, so patience can’t help you win the duel on the highest stage. You need to smash rim straight into the sky or pull into a precision guided jump shot. Jimmy failed to do this at first. Before the last section of life and death, he made 10 votes and 2, which was going to enter the conference room. Those who hated him for stealing the limelight would not let him go. After that, Jimmy hot threw in 2 points and even took 11 points to make the staff who had prepared the award ceremony sweat in their hands. So yokiki showed a serious face and upgraded an ordinary punch to a serious punch-well, you feel the strength of the punch. But, fight with me? You are not enough!

In the face of absolute strength, mental strength cannot break through the limit. This is the end of Miami’s over-level shooting, and the enthusiasm burning by black eight also goes out. However, time will make the precipitation left by this journey more and more heavy. After all, this is the most magnificent counterattack story in NBA history, the past, present and foreseeable future, no substitute can be found in this position. But before enjoying the praises of later generations, what lies in front of Miami is a more realistic dilemma. They have already had a salary explosion and have to talk about the renewal of Vincent and stellus on this basis. Butler is hard but not young, while 37-year-old Lowry can only make people shout hard in a few scattered nights. Compared with last year, this is a big spring return. The timeline in Miami is not so abundant that before the playoff legend tour, they were once considered not far from dissolution-if Lavin was a little personal, the timeline might have been completely rewritten.

You shouldn’t easily break up a team that builds trust and tacit understanding between each other, but objectively speaking, the Heat needs a little action before the vacation. In the summer of 2021, the Heat gave Duncan Robinson a contract of 5 years and 90 million years. Although Deng Luo became a hidden weapon for almost all opponents to miscalculate on the black road this year, however, for most of the past two years, Deng Luo lost his starting position in a dive and even was abandoned in more and more nights. The story of the backattack of the drop draft is very beautiful, but speaking from the standpoint of the team, the end of the story is more suitable for the ending of being ruthless when it is used up.

It doesn’t seem too difficult for Riley to switch to a ruthless face, so it’s really hard for you to understand why the Heat has given so many premium contracts over the years. The hot players are generally composed of three types:

First, the core players, Butler and Adebayor, take the core money and do the core thing;

Second, cheap rotation, including Vincent and Strous, who were trained but had not signed a big contract, and Martin, who signed a small contract, seemed to be the next sharp Smith, and the loafers found halfway. These five people cannot get the price of the last starter this season;

Third, premium contracts, including Lowry, who has not met expectations since signing, will soon be implemented. Deng Luo, who has played well in the playoffs but has not played well in the past two years, has basically missed Croal in the playoffs this year. Next season, 3 people will get 74.9 million in total.

We can praise all aspects of the heat, from groups to individuals. But they have an unstable record, 20-year finals, 21-year first round tour, the 1st in the East last year, and this year they will start from the play-off. It is a bit strange to have to make the script awesome.

Indeed, the unstable state of the drop talent show group is an uncontrollable variable of heat. The invincible combination of “Ma Wendeng”, in the finals, only Deng Luo was left with Yu Yong. Martin and Vincent might not be able to play in the fourth quarter, and more than a week ago, they hanged Jay Brown. Butler’s outbreak is also limited. His playing method is too easy to be injured and troubled, his regular season attendance is low, and he is injured every year in the playoffs. This is a reality that cannot be ignored. However, the more important reality that cannot be ignored is that the heat always suffers losses in giving big contracts. Riley’s money in Wade province has been funded in fancy over the years. In fact, the heat of the 4-year 3-to-East 2-to-finals was also transformed from the ruins of the premium contract that year.

So, will the Heat still give Strous a big contract with Vincent?

One is the most reliable shooter in their regular season, and the other did not lose to the more famous defender in the opposite in at least two rounds of series (against the Bucks and against the Green Army), but one of them shot 31.9 percent in the playoffs, another hot fight, the total real hit rate of the playoffs was only 53.5%. It is easy for you to remember the individual highlights of the talent show, and then easily forgive or ignore their struggling nights. When you want to pay real money, you have to add all the good and bad ones together. From the free market, if I am the management of other teams, I will not select the priority of the mini middle class contract-yes, Mini, not full-to these two. After all, I can be sure that my coach is not as good as SIBO, and I am also sure that there is no potential to dig after two 27-year-old drop talent shows start. It is likely that the moment they sign them, it will be a business that keeps depreciating.

The heat shouldn’t have spent a lot of money on the renewal of Strous and Vincent. Without considering the two people, the total salary of the Heat next season has started at 0.173 billion, which is second only to the Warriors and Clippers who assume nothing to do, while the league will use all its mind to limit the teams with high salaries, it has been exposed by the new labor agreement. Compared with the premium contract to retain people, the heat should believe more in their talent show training mechanism and have the opportunity to regenerate blood.

This is not all. At present, the more critical thing is to upgrade the premium contract in the hands, making the big contract truly worthy of the corresponding amount of combat power-Croal, Deng Luo can resist the risk that Vincent and stellus may leave the team, however, the more ideal situation is to make them become chips (heat and lorry’s contract expired in 2024), so that the 74.9 million-year premium contract in hand can be promoted to a more ideal combat power. This is a good time for Deng Luo to return some of his worth.

The heat will intentionally leave all possible stars, and few rumors will come true, which has become the norm in the past few years. But their intention bill may not be simply “intentional”. Bill’s contract is not of high quality, but it is still far stronger than the contract corresponding to the heat. The age of 29 is also appropriate. With hot chips (the first round of this year, the first round of 28, the first round of 30, Croal, Deng Luo, lorry’s large expired contracts, jovich, etc.), considering bill is a more realistic choice for bilillard, maybe they can still be left with room to supplement the front court.

The heat is very strong. They can constructive system stimulate everyone’s potential in attack and defense, and can also use the leftover material abandoned by others to complete their own blood production, which gives them the confidence to give up middle-level resources and fully pursue top-level resources. However, the heat needs to ensure that what they get from the heavy money is really the top-level resources, and also needs to ensure that the combat power they explore from the bottom will not become the middle-level burden they want to get rid of in the end. All this falls to the end, but it is just the word “cost performance. Lowry is very good. In some playoff games, he is still the familiar lock and load spray, but throughout the season, it seems that he shouldn’t take close to 30 million. Whether Croal can be worth his big contract in the future is also a question mark. The intoxicating premise of Strous and Vincent is that they get a basic salary instead of a ten-million contract-this is very true. When they come to the negotiation table, both blood and inspiration should be released and the truth should be discussed first.

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