0 2 min 1 yr

Live Bar, June 19 news recently, the celebrity Ray Allen talked about the final G6 10 years ago, which was absolutely three points in an interview.

Ray Allen said: “At that time I saw Bosh grab the rebound, and then I said ‘give me the ball ‘. Then I retreated to downtown. Interestingly, I would practice shooting like this before every match, which was no stranger to me. When the ball left my fingertips, it felt like floating out. Of course, for me, that goal is just like my usual shooting.”

“In the shots I have hit in my career, this score is the most talked about one goal. In this stage and this level of competition, this goal changed the career of many players in the two teams and the Young Pioneer Team History of the two teams. So in summary, the player played this round and the shooter scored this goal.”

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