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Live Bar, June 17 News Lakers star James updated the social media and posted photos of previously waving flags for Le Mans rally in France, the matching text was interpreted by American media as a response to the Nuggets and Malone’s mention of himself several times after winning the championship.

“I have been busy with my affairs in Europe for the past few weeks. I heard that you have been thinking about I am??? I think I know why‍♂Please make being a player cool again, because this lame machine has reached the highest level in history. Enjoy your light but just know that I am the sun. I will always be there!”

In the parade after the Nuggets won the championship, the host ridiculed the Lakers and said: Malone is the son of the coach! But he became the father of the Lakers. Malone also mentioned and ridiculed the Lakers and James several times after winning the championship.

Host: Malone is the son of the coach! But he became the father of the Lakers

Malone: the G1 Nuggets won the headlines. The Lakers can handle the Nuggets. I have never seen such a thing before.

Did the Nuggets win and talk about the Lakers? Ridicule in Malone program: I am considering retirement

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