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Recently, there was a news that Harden was actually not interested in returning to the rocket. This was first said from the mouth of a reporter of 76 people. He also encouraged the sun to sign with 76 people first and then change it. Paul could become a chip and so on. After winning for several months, the rocket finally lost when it was closest to the target. The rocket was not depressed. Then, why on earth did Harden abandon the rocket?

Harden refused to return to the rocket, which was already expected by the alliance. It can even be said that Harden put down the idea of returning to the rocket in the words and doubts of the league people such as “Harden’s return to the rocket is meaningless from the perspective of Basketball, and it’s not pleasing to see how the rocket looks. Even if the rocket changed to a new coach this year, even when asked how to persuade Harden to return to the rocket, Jia Barry Smith said that many people in Houston still loved him and felt at home here. However, if you say so, you can’t wait for your favorite star to return in the end. Playing emotional cards is the most countless.

Therefore, the rocket had to turn at this time, which was always the taboo of the military. Shams said that if the Rockets could not persuade Harden to return from 76 people, they would consider competing with Owen. This is the rocket jumping from one fire pit to another. Owen is now full of thoughts to lure James to Dallas to form a team, so he has no time to take care of the rockets.

Arenas thought why Harden didn’t consider joining the Heat? There are two reasons he gave: first, Riley is a magician, and his heat can always reach the finals; Second, Harden came to the heat, as long as he played smoothly in the first three sections, the fourth section gives Butler everything OK, imitating Kobe and O’Neal’s story. This can also solve the problem of Harden’s “no discipline at the end”, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Harden joining the Heat is indeed a coup. First of all, Harden is in line with Riley’s idea of team building. He is an all-star who has been angry, similar to loafers, lorry, oradipo, etc. Secondly, Harden is good at sorting out the team’s attacks and will sort out the hot attack in an orderly manner, let other players in the team focus more on attack; Finally, the Heat broke into the finals this year, which really gave Harden the closest chance to the Championship. For this reason, Harden is willing to give up something. He will obey the tactics and suggestions put forward by the Heat coach team.

Harden can still go to the Sun Group. The league just does not allow the three giants to hold the group again. There is no limit to players like Harden being traded. Besides, Harden is not a giant now. Isn’t this what the league said? When you go to the Sun, Harden still runs the old business, takes care of the attack and passes the ball. The team’s offensive responsibility is left to Booker and Durant to take charge. Isn’t this beautiful?

After all, this change in concept is actually a change in Harden’s inner thoughts. During the period of 76 people, Harden fed enbide into MVP, but he could not be fed into a tough guy after all. Enbide is still searching hard for the first East decisive journey of his career. In addition, Harden Ben is not a tough guy either. The combination of the two “non-tough guys” means that they cannot break through the last obstacle. This year’s Eastern semi-final is an excellent example. 76 people once led the Celtics 3-2, but failed to win the opponent at home. At that time, all walks of life were full of grief and finally stopped.

It is not true to say that Harden has no thoughts in his heart at this time. He may be homesick. First of all, he left the rocket and came for the championship. But no matter in basketable nets or 76 people did not succeed. In basketable nets, Durant and Owen were both the ones who won the championship in their career. It was inevitable that they were half-hearted when fighting. Owen often did things. If you want to say what experience you have gained from basketable nets, you can’t partner with those who have won the championship. Therefore, Harden turned to find a partner who had not won the championship. But unfortunately, this person who has not won the championship needs external stimulation.

In addition, Harden was always an outsider in Philadelphia, and enbyde was the owner of the city. When others mention Philadelphia, they always think of enbyd, which is natural. Harden hoped to find a place he could call home, where he was worshiped by everyone and he didn’t have to bear the strong pressure of winning the championship for the team as soon as possible, so he turned to the rocket. Plus 76 people can’t give themselves the top salary, there is no need to stay. Return to the rocket, return to the place where the dream began, Harden thought so.

However, as mentioned at the beginning of this article, Harden was shaken in the words of the same caliber, his homesickness was occupied by the idea of “another year for the championship. Therefore, both the heat and the Sun have become Harden’s ideal destination.

The change of Harden’s mentality, reflected in the selection of the next home, is particularly prominent. From the determination of the emotional rocket, to the proposal of the sun and heat options, and the shake of mentality, Harden experienced a period of unknown mental journey. Perhaps Harden still had the day when he returned to the Rockets, but not now, he still has to fight for the championship. Perhaps by the end of the finals, Harden’s whereabouts will gradually become clear.

(Mao Mao dad/supine support)

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