0 2 min 1 yr

Live Bar, June 13 news Nuggets beat the Heat 94-89 at home today, winning the championship this season with a big score of 4-1. After the game, yokiki was interviewed by the media.

Q: After the series with the Lakers, you were asked who was most happy. At that time, your answer was Jamal Murray. Now that you have won the championship, who is most happy when you look around your teammates in the dressing room?

A: everyone, this is A simple question. I am happy for everyone in the team, Jordan, Jeff Green, issmith; And PROTONIC, he has undergone three operations, then he played to help us win the championship trophy; And Jamal Murray, who had an operation and was in poor condition at the beginning of the season, but I have said before that he would not be like this all the time, we know how strong his ability is; And KCP, he brought us the champion spirit; And Bruce Brown and Christian Braun. I don’t want to say given name of each person, but really, everyone has paid a lot for winning the championship.

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