0 1 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, June 23 -at the 2023 NBA draft conference, the Rockets selected Amen-Thompson with the 4th sign and Cam-Whitmore with the 20th sign.

US media listed the first round of rockets 21 years later (from near to far) on Basketball Reference:

On the 20th of 23, show cam-Whitmore

23 year 4 show Amen-Thompson

On the 29th of 22, Xiao Taitai-Washington

On the 17th of 22, show Tari-Ethan

On the 3rd of 22, Xiao jiabari-Smith

On the 24th of 21, Josh Christopher

21 on the 23rd show Usman-garouba

21th show Jay Green

It is worth mentioning that Shen Jing was selected by Thunder on the 16th in 21th, little Thai-Washington was selected by the grizzly bear on the 29th in 22th, and the two then joined the rocket through trading.


NBA draft conference 2023

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