0 2 min 10 mths

Live Bar, June 23, vice president of bull, said in an interview Arturas Karnisovas that longzo Bauer may not return next season.

Karnisovas said: “Our expectation is that he (Lonzo-Bauer) will not come back next season.”

Powell has been out of shape for knee injuries since last January, during which he underwent knee surgery twice. On February 21 this year, Bull officially announced Bauer’s reimbursement this season. On March 17 this year, Bull officially announced that Powell would undergo a cartilage transplant operation on the left knee and lacked battle indefinitely.

It is reported that so far, there are no players who can return to the stadium after receiving cartilage transplantation in history.

The contract between Bauer and bull will expire in 2025, with a salary of 20.47 million dollars for the 2023-24 season and 21.4 million dollars for the 2024-25 season.

Related news: Meiji: The bull privately held a pessimistic attitude towards longzo Powell’s return to NBA.

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