0 1 min 1 yr

Live Bar, June 23 -at the 2023 NBA draft conference, the piston selected OTE-Thompson with the 5th sign, and OTE-Thompson was interviewed later.

Reporter: (after being selected by the piston) How long did you find the schedule against the Rockets?

Osar Thompson: No, I’m just a fight.

Reporter: Your brother has always played in the same team. Now you are your first opponent, what will you do?

Osar Thompson: I will beat him, I will beat them all.

Osar Thompson is the twin brother of Amen Thompson on show 4 this year. Both brothers play for the city Reaper team of OTE league. Osar height 2 meters 01, arm stretch 2 meters 13, weight 99kg, can get 16.3 points 7.1 rebounds 6.1 assists 2.4 steals.

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