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This year is a draft lunar year. Wen banyama locked the status of the first prize almost a year ago. The biggest suspense of this draft is actually the ownership of the first prize-no matter which team gets the first prize, wen Banya Ma will be their best choice.

Not only this year, even if you look at the entire NBA draft history, the talent of Wen banyama is also the existence of the historical level!

Wen banyama is 2 meters 26 tall and has an arm stretch of 2 meters 44. What is more terrible is that he was only 20 years old in January 5 next year, his body is still in the developmental stage, and there is still the possibility of continuing to grow tall. Wen Banya’s height and arm show are already a model monster, and they are still evolving continuously. The future is unlimited.

Wen Banya Ma is not a silly big one with empty height and arm show, but also polished an attack method suitable for himself early on the basis of physical talent: he can play a fixed-point pitcher at downtown in the blocking and dismantling tactics, and can attack independently at fengshui ball outside, which makes him really different. He is also an excellent low-level scorer, leaning back and jumping, turning over and jumping, hook shots are all in his arsenal.

The height of the center, the playing style of the flank players, and the attack methods that can hold the ball but can not be played both inside and outside have fundamentally determined the “unicorn” attribute of wenbanyama.

His future ceiling may be a “durant with Yao Ming’s height”, a model with both height and technology, and a history-level talent is rare for a hundred years.

What everyone cares most is probably the weight of wenbanyama, 229 pounds (about 103 kilograms), which is too thin! His weight is a double-edged sword, which not only endows him with agility, lightness and mobility, but also makes his confrontation ability and durability after entering NBA full of uncertainty.

The arm show of 2 meters 44 determines that Wen banyama is born with an excellent rebounding machine and a big gate of the protective basket, the thin figure makes Wen banyama a multi-position defender at this stage. Playing No. 5 position can not only protect the inside line potty chair, but also sweep the half court relieve a garrison to downtown, and he is a talkative defender, in the future, it has the potential to become the core of defensive leadership with a loud voice on the defensive end.

Wen banyama suffered from fractures of the peroneus, scapula contusions, and lumbar muscle injuries. His thin figure worried about his future health and durability.

Thunder’s ranking in 2022, Holmgren was reimbursed for the season due to his right foot injury after fighting in the semi-professional competition. Wen Banya Ma also belongs to this kind of “Chopsticks player”. His small body is obviously unable to cope with physical confrontation, lofton, a 250-jin “little fat”, used the meat shield to push it flat in U19 world youth competition to make Wen banyama lose his temper.

Garnett, brother alphabet, Durant, and heavy eyebrows were relatively thin when they entered the NBA. Especially, brother alphabet grew 46 Jin from 2013 to 2018, and evolved from a shouzhugan to a devil muscle man, awards such as MVP, Championship, FMVP and DPOY all come naturally with the improvement of personal strength.

Increasing muscle strength is an inevitable trend in the future of wenbanyama. NBA has the most professional basketball medical team in the world, and Spurs is better at training international players, Ginobili in Argentina, Tony Parker and Dior in France, split in Brazil and mills in Australia all achieved success in Spurs, and there was a 19-year success story for Duncan in Popovich baby.

Wen Banya Ma has the top talent of a supernova integrating attack and defense. Although his body is relatively thin at present, it will not be surprising to succeed with the help of Spurs and Popovich baby in the future.

The environment and style of Spurs are very suitable for wenbanyama. Laid-back, quiet, life is greater than that of basketball, without too much fame and fortune, popovich baby has injected more than 20 years of military style into this team, which is very suitable for Wen banyama to “upgrade”.

Spurs also needed the cornerstone of the team building, Wen banama, to be revived. In the post-Duncan era, Popovich baby originally formed the double German combination of Leonard and Aldridge. Because Leonard applied for a deal, Spurs had been depressed since then, all the plans for the Popovich baby were empty.

Spurs since 2019, it has been “rotten”. After three seasons, it finally won the first prize, and finally ushered in the cornerstone of team building in the post-Duncan era, Wen banyama!

George Gervin, David Robinson, Tim Duncan and Leonard were the last four leaders in Spurs. Leonard played only two seasons in Spurs after Duncan retired, wen Banya Ma was actually a new leader who was searching hard and established again in the post-Duncan era Popovich baby.

In a sense, Wen banyama saved Spurs. His existence and arrival enabled Popovich baby’s team building plan in the post-Duncan era to truly achieve chaos.

Without Wen Banya Ma, the Spurs after Leonard left was still a mess. Without the cornerstone of the team, there was no backbone. Wen Banya Ma undoubtedly extended his coaching career by Popovich baby.

Wen Banya Ma’s significance to Spurs is like Duncan’s Spurs from the beginning of 1997 to the beginning of 20 wins and 62 losses. The beginning of hope and the place where dreams begin!

In 1983, the number one of the rockets, Ralph Samson, was infinitely close to Wen banyama in height and weight. He was 2 meters 24 and 103 kilograms (Wen banyama was 2 meters 26 and 103 kilograms), sampson was selected as an all-star, one best second in his career four times in nine years and the Hall of Fame in 2012. His existence proved that the thin high Center could succeed in NBA.

Wen Banya Ma’s plasticity is better than that of Samson. Samson did not throw a three-point ball in the era of classical play. Wen Banya Ma can not only throw three points but also hold the ball independently, his playing method is more in line with the current trend of the small ball era-Wen Banya Marco blue collar vice C, can also hold the ball playing method as the core, belonging to the internal line of the new flexible style with both internal and external repair, and the future is unlimited.

Wen banyama is the cornerstone of the team building with high hopes today spurs. Compared with the rockets of Jay Green, the Hornets of larmero ball, and the piston of Corning ham, with the magic of bankelo, the poor Spurs is the team with the most favorable growth environment for Wen banyama in the first six places of this year. It can tilt all the training resources to him and absolutely grow up alone.

Durant Cainiao has a usage rate of 28.1 percent in the supersonic ball Power season, 17.1 shots per game. Although the first season was only 28.8 percent in three-point shot percentage, he has unlimited firing power training in rebuilding the team, growing rapidly; as a comparison, the utilization rate of champion Arden in the sun ball is 21.2%, 12.3 shots per game, the offensive end is the fourth choice of the team, the team system requires him to be a blue collar, and the growth is severely limited.

Spurs can provide Wen banyama with absolute core position and unlimited firing power. With the unique environment and the inherent talent of Wen banyama, his growth path is worth everyone’s expectation.

Wen Banya Ma finally came. May injuries stay away from him. May he always be low-key, humble, tough and diligent. May he have a long and successful career-keep healthy, only the sky is his limit!


NBA in the eyes of uncle Gao Leng in the driver column

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