0 2 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast on June 23 news the rockets wrote Kelly Iko and revealed that the Rockets did have discussions with some teams about trading the 20th sign this year.

A source said that the rockets may seek to improve their 20th order in the first round, and trade forward to get any order between the 10th order of the Lone Ranger and the 18th order of the heat. Among them, the Rockets need to pay the right to choose for some matches as compensation, while others need the rockets to send some players or help the other side reduce the total salary.

Under ideal circumstances, the Rockets hope to reserve a salary space of nearly 60 million dollars for the team’s free market operation. However, considering the salary flexibility, if it is worthwhile for the team to move forward, the rockets may be willing to accept a bad contract.

In addition, other sources said that if the Rockets did not move at the draft meeting, but their favorite players were picked up in advance, then they would be open to the 20th sign of the first round of trading.


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