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Guangdong University of Technology won the championship in the national finals of the 25th Chinese College Basketball League (CUBAL) men’s first-class league held recently. In the list of 15 people from Guangdong University of Technology and Tsinghua University on the court (30 in total), a total of 11 players graduated from Dongguan high school, including 9 Guanggong, there are 2 people in Tsinghua University.

According to reports, these young players who went out from Dongguan are called “Dongguan basketball youth Legion” because they represent the echelon of professional youth training, dongguan, the new force of the “National Basketball City”, is also outstanding. Why is the strength of “Dongguan basketball youth Legion” so strong? On June 20, the reporter of Yangcheng Evening News interviewed Fang Weimin, honorary chairman of Dongguan Basketball Association, Zhang Liang, vice president of Dongguan Guangming Middle School, and Wu Qiang, vice president of Dongguan No. 4 Middle School. In their view, Dongguan’s strong basketball atmosphere, perfect competition mechanism and scientific training mode make basketball-loving children grow and change here, and further make Dongguan’s basketball city a new glory.

Sports and Education integration consistent system training basketball sports students

“I watched these children grow up, and they all performed very well in this competition. I am happy for them to win the championship. But I also told them to guard against arrogance and rashness and strive for greater progress.” As soon as the game ended that night, Wu Qiang immediately expressed congratulations to the alumni members ahead by phone.

Talking about six people, including Zeng Yicheng, Cui Junchao, Chen Guohao, Liu kangneng, Zhou Zeyuan and Han Qiang, Wu Qiang said that winning the championship this time was the best reward for their efforts, it is also the successful practice of the consistent training mode of Dongguan No. 4 middle school basketball sports students. “The school will plan the development of every student in the long run at every stage.” Wu Qiang said that Dongguan No. 4 Middle School has signed a co-construction agreement with Dongcheng Experimental Middle School, Guangdong University of Technology and other like-minded upstream and downstream schools to exchange and cooperate in coach teaching, curriculum setting and other aspects, ensure that the training system of students in each learning stage is progressive and coherent.

“These players’ high schools were studied in Dongguan. In high schools, they participated in different levels of competitions. After entering the university, many of them are also the main force of each town street of Dongguan basketball league, and many others represent Dongguan in the Provincial League.” As for the “Dongguan basketball youth Legion”, which can help Guangdong University of Technology to win the championship this time, Zhang Liang believes that this is related to the continuous actual combat of “Dongguan basketball youth Legion” in this fertile land of basketball in Dongguan.

Zhang Liang also told the reporter that in order to further get through the training path of basketball talents, on last August, Dongguan Guangming Middle School had held a signing ceremony with Guangzhou Longshi basketball club for deep sports and education integration cooperation, and the two sides joined hands to build a youth basketball team, more seed players will be further cultivated.

Few in Dongguan hold nearly 6,000 basketball matches a year

No basketball, no Dongguan. In Fang Weimin’s view, the reason why the “Dongguan basketball youth Legion” is endless is also inseparable from Dongguan’s basketball city genes, this is also the secret that young basketball players in Dongguan can achieve bright results in various international and domestic competitions.

“Dongguan has a complete youth basketball training system, which makes many citizens fall in love with basketball when they are young.” During the interview, Fang Weimin told the reporter that 33 town street parks (including Songshan Lake) in Dongguan have established youth basketball training classes or youth basketball clubs, and have special financial support. In addition, professional basketball teams and grassroots basketball teams promote each other, truly demonstrating the benign interaction between competitive sports and mass sports.

In Fang Weimin’s view, the most important thing is that Dongguan has a perfect competition system, which makes athletes grow continuously. He said that Dongguan has different levels of basketball games such as kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools, as well as different types of basketball games such as “town BA”, “village BA” and “enterprise BA. “In Dongguan, there are 5000 or 6000 basketball games a year. These games are the best stage for players to train basic skills, which is also a difficult phenomenon in other places.” Fang Weimin said.

(Text/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Wang Lei)

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