0 1 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, May 7 -15 years ago today, Kobe gained the only MVP trophy in his career.

On May 7, 2008, Kobe took over the regular season MVP trophy from then NBA President David Stern at Staples Center stadium. In the 2007-08 season, Kobe stayed on full duty, he could score 28.3 points 6.3 rebounds 5.4 assists 1.8 steals 0.5 cap, field goal percentage 45.9%, hit 36.1% in three points and hit 84% in free throws.

Led by Kobe Bryant, the Lakers ranked first in the West with a record of 57 wins and 25 losses. The team also entered the finals for the first time since O’Neal left. Unfortunately, they finally lost 2-4 to the Celts, ranking second.

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