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Without any suspense, the total score of the series has reached 1-3 again. The heat has stepped into the gate of the East decision with one foot, while the Knicks still have to bear the fate that the heat is difficult to defeat. Once again, the heat was finished, proving that his black eight was not a false name. What happened in the playoffs of the Knicks and the heat, and how long will this magical journey of the heat last?

109-101, this is the result of today’s game. The Heat won and changed the total score to 3-1. In fact, if Butler hadn’t been injured in G2, the Heat might have swept the Knicks. This kind of result is beyond expectation. However, people have learned a little bit, and they didn’t dare to fill it up when the Heat met Knicks. Now it is true, although the total score of 3-1 is still somewhat unexpected.

After the game, people still sentenced the death penalty in advance for this round of series: they got a 3-1 lead in the series of 7 4 wins, the heat was 14 wins and 0 losses, and the Knicks were just the opposite, it is 0 wins and 14 losses. In other words, in front of the heat, the Knicks had almost no Parry, and there was a huge gap in strength between the heat and the Knicks.

Judging from the course of the game, the Knicks did nothing wrong. Brunson scored 32 points, 11 assists and 4 rebounds, and Barrett and Randle also scored 20, there are 24 points, 4 rebounds, 3 assists and 20 points, 9 rebounds, 3 assists respectively. However, the Knicks scored negative points during the three-person period. Except for the three of them, no one in the Knicks scored double points, and the attack was too concentrated in the hands of three people. This situation was not good.

On the contrary, Butler and Adebayor scored 27 points, 10 assists, 6 rebounds, 2 steals, 2 steals, 2 cap, and 23 points, 13 rebounds respectively. Both positive and negative values are positive. In addition, the Heat would also like to thank stellus, lorry and Martin and others. Their scores were double. Compared with the Knicks, they were 5 to 3, and the substitute scores were much ahead of 32-10, backboard also leads with 44-35.

Knicks did not do badly in many aspects. The heat was just a little better than Knicks. This gap made the backward side feel speechless most, as if they did their best, but I found that it was still a little worse than better after all. Parkins said after the game that the heat “took away the damn soul of Knicks. Instead, the heat is the side that goes all out. They want to win this game more.” It can be seen from the competition that some people joked that Butler didn’t even sweat. Knicks still have a lot of heat difference in team hardness, and supplementing team hardness is their next required course.

Any time a team beats another team so cleanly and easily, it shows one thing, that is, the warring parties are not on the same level at all. The Knicks are brave this year. The first round is against the forecast. The 4-1 dry flip Knight is a clear proof. The team also gained a new leader Brunson, but it will fall under the foot of the heat with the same score, and the fate of not entering the East decision since 2000 will continue.

The next topic is how far can this heat go? At the same time with them, the Celtic people on the other side and 76 people are still in the battle now. The battle has reached 2-2 levels. It is still difficult to distinguish who can advance. At present, the Celtics have a higher voice. If 76 people were promoted, the Heat would probably laugh happily. They played 3 times in the regular season and the Heat would win 2 and lose 1. Butler also had a personal grudge against 76 people. In those years, 76 people stayed with Harris instead of him. Now Butler wants new hatred and old hatred to be counted together. Enbide also had to pay for his famous sentence “This TM is Butler in the playoffs.

If the Celtics win the promotion, the hot smile will freeze. In the regular season, the two teams played 4 times, 2 wins and 2 losses, of which 2 games were Tatum and Jellen Brown. In the 4 matches, the Celtics lost 1 game and the lineup was not complete. The Celtics and the Heat met in the east decision, which was a repeat of last year’s East decision. One East Side was the 2nd East and the other was the 8th East; Both teams also had attacks and guards, and their style was tough. At the end of the competition, the heat will suffer from reimbursement for the first round of the Croal and Oladipo seasons.

All the black eight in history were killed in the second round. The only exception was that in 1999, the Knicks not only entered the Eastern finals, but also entered the finals all the way. How far the hot fire can go back to this black eight, it also affects people’s hearts. If there is no accident, it is conceivable for them to stop in the east decision. The Celts in the east decision are the heaven they cannot overcome. If the Celts can successfully advance.

But the future troubles are left to the future to say, at least now the heat is a group of angry, is raging carnival. This is because they are 3-1 ahead of Knicks and will easily eliminate their opponents to meet the more severe test in the next stage. No matter how difficult the next stage is, this moment is joyful. As Strous said after the game: “We played our best at the most important moment of the season, we just did the right thing.”

(Mao Mao dad/supine support)

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