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Live Bar, May 3 recently, former NBA player Evan Turner talked about player rankings in the live program of FanDuel TV.

Related reading: The Ringer reviews top 100 players (top 20): The letter elder brother ranks first curry second seat James 9th

Turner said: “I am fans of Tatum, I like to put Tatum before Yanis and Jokic.

“Even if Yannis is not eliminated now and the Bucks are still playing the playoffs, you have to ask me the best players in the game. My ranking is Tatum, Brown, holerdi and Yannis.”

The host replied, “Damn, what are you talking about!”

Turner said: “I know it is very aggressive to say so. I will adjust it a little. Anyway, Yanis and Jokic will not be in the top 5 of my alliance. There are enbid, Curry, tatum, LeBlanc, Butler, I will even put Butler in front of Yanis.”

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