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This year’s Chinese basketball is very busy. On May 1st, before the CBA playoffs were finished, China’s men’s basketball short-term training camp would begin in Qingdao, except for Zhou Qi, Lin Yi, Cui Yongxi, wang Lanqi and other bright newcomers are also listed. This is not over yet. In addition to the training and evaluation of newcomers, this young team will also face the ABL Southeast Asian professional basketball league champion and Hong Kong first league runner-up-Hong Kong Oriental basketball team.

These two internal friendly matches are not the result of the prosperity of Lu Gang and Hong Kong, but the pioneer of a bigger move: according to the report of Hong Kong media “sports Road”, apart from continuing to play in Southeast Asian league, Hong Kong Oriental team, it will also be planned to enter CBA. This competition with the men’s basketball youth team is one of the references for the Basketball Association to test the team and decide whether to release it.

In fact, as early as three years ago, the Orient team was planning this matter. Now they have won the championship of Southeast Asian league, sitting on five foreign players and three Chinese players who have played overseas league matches, and will also build a training base in Baishi, Ma On Shan, Hong Kong, climbing a mountain tour, going up and down the north of the sea, it seems that the momentum is booming. The release of news at this moment, not to say “DingTalk”, is also regarded as “full of confidence”.

Although Hong Kong Basketball has always been tepid, there are only 10 teams in the Top League (only 8 before 2021), without the market scale of the mainland and the eye-catching lace of Taiwan. It was not until 2005 that there were playoff games and all-star games, but if you want to choose a “Team Hong Kong” to enter CBA at the current pass, Hong Kong East may be the ideal choice.

Hong Kong Oriental Lion team was founded in 1932and is the first professional basketball team in Hong Kong. After Hong Kong established the first basketball league in 1954, the Oriental team won the first league championship in 1957. But at the beginning of the game, they, together with other teams, were pushed down by Yonglun and Nanhua for 61 years, and they were downgraded to the Group B League-Hong Kong Level 3 basketball match in the middle, it is one lower than first and second. It was not until 2015 that the Orient team returned to the first place as the champion of the second place and won the Cup again three years later.

The rise of the Oriental Basketball team cannot be separated from the Oriental football team. In 2014, Li Zhanwei, the president of the Oriental football team, took over the basketball team that had fallen to the bottom. At that time, the home game of the Oriental basketball team, more than half of the cheer squad of hundreds of people are friends of the football team.

The logo of Hong Kong Oriental Sports Federation shows their origin with football.

In addition to reviving the atmosphere of fan participation, Hong Kong East also aimed at the most immediate force in Hong Kong basketball-foreign aid.

For the Hong Kong sports world, foreign aid is like a magnate crossing from the high magic world to the low Magic World, which can change the league pattern in an instant. As soon as Li Zhanwei sat down, he invited American center Chris Barnes to live in Hong Kong for one year to obtain the status of “Hong Kong resident player” in 2016. At the same time, Reginard Johnson and Austin were invited to help the East enter the second place directly during the season.

Here we have to mention the unique foreign aid system of Hong Kong League. Thanks to Hong Kong’s special historical background and Port City identity, the foreign aid composition of Hong Kong Basketball League is relatively complicated, there are two types of pure foreign aid and Hong Kong players.

Chris Barnes, who is praised as “Hong Kong version of O’Neal” by Hong Kong media, has been suspended in Hong Kong for at least one year (now it only needs to be suspended for one year and lived in Hong Kong for three months), only then did he obtain the status of a Hong Kong player and no longer occupy the quota of foreign aid. However, those foreigners and mixed-race Chinese who have Hong Kong identity cards and hold two passports are not foreign aid.

Chris Barnes, the biggest brand, rotated at the end of a bench when he was in Georgia University.

Before he came to Hong Kong, he had played in the League of Lithuania, Portugal and Canada, and was a typical bottom American overseas player. After 2015, his career experience and data were no longer affected by realgm, proballers this kind of website includes, it can be seen that Hong Kong Basketball League is not considered as the mainstream Basketball League

For the club, this policy seems to be very beautiful. As long as it is suspended for one year, it can introduce one more foreign aid. But for foreign aid, every day of sports career is very precious. If you don’t play games for a year, besides real money and silver, what you lose is also the training of games-considering the level of Hong Kong Basketball League, this undoubtedly sets a high threshold for a large number of foreign aid, so the Hong Kong basketball community has not greatly recruited Hong Kong players, and Hong Kong East has already touched the “foreign aid ceiling” of the First League “.

In theory, now the Hong Kong Oriental team “only” has three foreign aid in the traditional sense-American defender Bashi, the Columbia national team insider Trocha Morelos who was naturalized in the United States, and Maclaurin of Canada. In addition, Australian striker Dominic Gilbert (translated by Hong Kong as Kiba…), Philippine mixed-race defender weisting and Xu Yuanzheng and Xu Yuancheng, who had played in NCAA, both got Hong Kong identity cards and became authentic Hong Kong people.

The rumor that “Hong Kong East has five foreign players” benefits from this special regulation. Therefore, the magic picture of “four foreign faces with one Asian player” often appears in the competitions of Hong Kong East.

Therefore, the Oriental team who wants to join CBA faces two obstacles: strength level and foreign aid system.

Although the East is the son of the version of Hong Kong and even Southeast Asia, the level of the Hong Kong League is needless to say-the average annual salary of the first league is only 6-70000 Hong Kong dollars, equivalent to more than 50,000 yuan, last year, there was also an incident in which Eagle player Stuart Weijie was owed his salary. Considering the overall strength of CBA, the competition of Oriental team in ABL has more reference value.

Foreign aid Morelos is the official national player of Colombia. He has played in NCAA for four years, with an average of 6 points and 4 boards. As a major center, his three points are still improving: last season in the Swedish league, his three points rose to 40%, in FIBA, more than half of his shots were three points, and the hit rate soared from 22% in 2017 to 46% last year. In the America’s Cup last year and the later World Cup Americas qualifier, he was the main rotation of Columbia team, which belonged to the space-type number four to adjust the style of play.

Another foreign aid American defender Bashi is a tramp in FIBA world. He played in Mexico League, French league, Venezuela League and South Korea KBL before. He also has the characteristics of CBA small foreign aid: fast speed, strong projection, it is very decisive to break down and pass the ball. It is a 36-year-old attack first short defender.

However, we don’t need to care too much about them, because these two powerful foreign aid left the team after finishing ABL on March this year.

What is more worthy of our attention are Gilbert and Maclaurin who stay in the team. In the ABL final last month, Gilbert scored 13 points and 10 rebounds, and Maclaurin scored 14 points and 13 rebounds (Chen Zhaorong scored 11 points, and it seems that the sword is still not old), all of which are the main scoring force of the Orient team.

Gilbert was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Australia. From Croatia to Holland, from France to Spain, he was always able to squeeze into regular rotation, he also played an average high of 17 points and 9 rebounds in last year’s Croatian league.

After playing in Europe for several years, Gilbert has the characteristics of European strikers: passing spirituality, comprehensive skills and stable projection. He has a good view of the stadium and likes the white chocolate-style pass without looking at people. In the ABL regular season ending war on February 17, Gilbert scored 25 points, 21 rebounds and 7 assists against the Bangkok Tigers, it can be said that Tigers enter sheep.

MacLaurin is more pure. He is more like Hamilton of Hongyuan. He is good at blocking the internal cut, not afraid of confrontation, and has strong ability to end. On February ending war, MacLaurin also easily gained 27 points and 14 rebounds. If the Oriental team really enters CBA, these two foreign players will be the key targets of each team-although their real level seems to be one level worse than CBA foreign aid.

In addition, the current main guard of the Orient team is 32-year-old captain Chen Zhaorong. He is 1.80 meters tall and Li Qi, a former teammate 1.77 meters tall, is called Hong Kong’s “Water Flower Brother”, it can be seen that its style of play.

Chen Zhaorong played three Asian Cups and threw 37 percent of the three points. In the FIBA Asian Cup in 2015, Chen Zhaorong scored 11 points during the peak period, however, in high-level matches, his efficiency was low (12 out of 39 games in the Philippines, Kazakhstan, Japan and Jordan plus 15 mistakes).

To be fair, ABL’s league level is not high. Weisi Ting, Xu expedition and Xu Yuancheng didn’t take over the banner in ABL, and it was difficult to be better than the domestic ordinary defenders. Yu Yongqiang, vice chairman of Oriental Sports Association, said, “it is expected that it can be managed in the mode of CBA midstream team.” It seems to embody a spirit of revolutionary optimism.

However, the problem is that the foreign aid system of CBA is completely different from that of the First League. There is no such saying that there are four foreign aid players in Hong Kong. There are four foreign aid players in 4 sections and four people in 4 sections and five people in 4 sections, however, only a single foreign aid can be used for the final unification. MacLaurin iron is definitely one of the foreign aid. The problem is that Gilbert, a foreigner holding a Hong Kong identity card, is counted as a local player or a standard foreign aid. If it is regarded as a standard foreign aid, the use of the four sections and four people will greatly limit the overall strength of the Oriental team. If it is regarded as a local player, it must be a wave of public opinion.

The seeds of the storm are not only the Oriental team itself, but also several teams in NBL are looking forward to it. If Hong Kong Oriental temporarily cuts in with the “united front value”, then the strong teams in NBL are bound to be dissatisfied. How to operate CBA at that time is also a problem worthy of attention.

This year’s NBL champion: Guangxi Weizhuang

In addition, there is no clear discussion on Hong Kong Oriental’s profit method, sponsor logo, whether to participate in dividends and CBA talent show. If the home court is located in Hong Kong, the customs clearance procedures between mainland teams and fans in Hong Kong, the risk of live broadcast at home in Hong Kong (a slogan may close the live broadcast room), the schedule conflicts between the first league and the CBA league, it is also an interesting problem.

But as long as the mind does not decline, the method is always more difficult than that. The inclusiveness of Chinese basketball is always increasing, and the blending between Hong Kong, Macao and the mainland is also the general trend. Even Li keel can be naturalized into the national team, which will inject fresh blood that has never been thought of into the local league. It is not a fuss. The key is to make all the preparations that you can think of. Don’t wait until the Oriental team comes in, and find that there are problems everywhere. It is embarrassing everywhere (this is the problem of Hong Kong Flying Dragon in those days).

Judging from the strength of the stadium, the CBA team may not have much perception, but for the basketball Union CBA company, for the management of the Chinese basketball professional league, the joining of Hong Kong Oriental, it is likely to be a heavyweight big catfish that can stir the whole environment.

How can a new storm stagnate?

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(WEN/Pan Zhili)

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