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Live Bar may 5th news NBA Playoffs Round G2, Warriors 127-100 beat the Lakers. Clay was interviewed after the game.

When talking about the counterpositions with Schroeder, Reeves and Russell, Clay said: “These defenders are excellent, especially in passing, they have a good chemical reaction with heavy eyebrows. I may not have the speed when I was in my 20 s, but I can use my height and position selection to prevent them from getting a good shot.”

“This is only about sticking to the competition plan, not being trapped in personal confrontation.” Clay added.

In this game, Clay played at 31 minutes 12 seconds, made 11 of 18 shots, 8 of 11 in 3 points, took 30 points, 3 rebounds and 1 assist, positive and negative values +28.

While Reeves played at 24 minutes 53 seconds and scored 7 points in 11 middle 3; Russell played at 27 minutes 45 seconds and scored 10 points in 12 middle 5; Schroder played at 18 minutes 55 seconds and scored 4 points in 3 middle 0.

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