0 3 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast on May 12th news CUBAL play-off, Guizhou Normal University against Hubei University of Technology.

In the first quarter of the game, the two teams were evenly matched in the opening stage, and the scores led alternately. Hubei University of Technology suddenly made efforts to win the lead with a penalty of 10-0 Smackdown. Guizhou Normal University and the inside and outside blossomed a small climax of 7-0, hubei University of Technology 19-15 leads 4 points to end the first quarter. In the second section, Hubei University of Technology took the lead in launching the 9-0 offensive and pulled the score difference to more than 10 points at one stroke. Guizhou Normal University recovered in time, and the internal and external investment firmly bit, hubei University of Technology continued to impact the rim consecutive investment with penalty to maintain its advantage. In half a battle, Hubei University of Technology led by 13 points from 44 to 31. In the second half, the two teams started a tug-of-war around the 10-point difference. Guizhou Normal University frequently killed the inner line and slightly reduced the score difference. Hubei University of Technology used the defensive counterattack to color. After three sections, Hubei University of Technology had a 12-point advantage from 62 to 50. In the final decisive battle, Guizhou Normal University fought back. Wei pigeon’s two scores and three points helped the team to make the difference to only 2 points. Hubei University of Technology completed a strong response to the 9-0 offensive inside and outside, the score difference was also pulled to more than 10 points again. Dalian, a Guizhou division, tenaciously punished the score difference until only 2 points were left. Zhang Zihan, a member of the Olympic bid, successfully put on the basket and killed the game. Finally, Hubei University of Technology 82-78 like Guizhou Normal University, promoted to the national top 32.

Data from both parties:

Hubei University of Technology: Ba Yi 32 points 5 boards, Zhang Zihan 22 points 13 boards, Su Lide 12 points 7 boards, Olympic bid 6 points, Bai He 5 points

Guizhou Normal University: Wei pigeon 22 points 5 boards 4 broken, Fu Yongchang 18 Points 8 boards, Yang Qianxing 17 points 5 boards, Xu Shan 8 points, Dong Zhonglin 5 points

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