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Live Bar May 11th news CUBAL play men Group, Henan University of Technology Against China Ocean University.

At the beginning of the game, Henan Polytechnic University entered the state faster. Lian Yue Qili’s foreign investment continued to score points to help the team get a perfect start of 19-2. Li Qian played 2+1 to stop bleeding, and then the two sides launched a confrontation, henan Polytechnic’s stable output ended the first section with 27-11 lead. In the second section, the hit rate of Henan Science and Technology dropped sharply, and the score difference was reduced when China Haida blossomed inside and outside. Henan science and technology couldn’t find the rhythm for a long time. China Haida won 10 points in a single section and fell 6 points behind Henan science and technology after playing 33-39 in half. In the second half, Henan Polytechnic continued its fire. Zhai Jiayi’s three points helped the team regain a double-digit advantage. The outside line of China Haida felt bad, which caused continuous killing and catching up. After three sessions, Henan Polytechnic led 17 points 66-49. At the end of the competition, Henan science and technology made continuous mistakes in hitting the iron. China Haida used rapid counterattacks to continuously encroach on the difference. Zhai Jiayi’s two goals stabilized the situation. Zhao jiahuilian got 5 points to lead the team and the competition between the two sides fell into White Heat, at the critical moment, both sides made mistakes, and Henan Polytechnic failed. Finally, China Haida completed a 17-point reversal, and 76-75 beat Henan Polytechnic with a 1-point advantage.

Data from both parties:

China Haida: Zhao Jiahui 16 points, Song Liping 14 points 6 plates, Wu Hongyu 16 points 5 plates, Ma Sen 5 points 7 plates 6 broken, Wang Haotong 8 points 9 plates 4 Broken 1 cap

Henan Science and Technology: Zhai Jiayi 31 Points 8 boards, Lian Yue Qi 26 points 6 boards, Zhang Xinhao 10 points 14 boards

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