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[Tsinghua University 110-51 capital ecnomic and Trade]]

At the beginning, the situation of the two sides was anxious. Zhou Ziang seized the outside line and scored three points to get the lead. Immediately, Zou Yang also continued to write three points to respond to his teammates. In the face of Tsinghua’s defense, it was difficult for the prime minister to enter the Forbidden Zone fengshui ball, and he turned to try the outside attack. Azawa seized the gap and scored a three-point to stop bleeding. Then Xie zheqing used the inside line to force a continuous and stable score, however, it is helpless to face the frequent mistakes caused by Tsinghua’s cooperative defense. The first half ended with a score of 25-10.

In the second festival, Yan Yanjun first made a three-point hit, and Fu Jun responded to the three-point hit, but soon the three-point outside Tsinghua bloomed, and the three-point hit in a row quickly expanded the score difference. The first half ended with a score of 59-17.

Yi Bian fought again, the first economy and trade recovered slightly, Yan taohao’s three points in a row to stabilize the situation. However, he was immediately attacked by Tsinghua’s three points, and the difference was further widened. Three-day battle, score 83-40.

At the end of the quarter, Tsinghua continued the three-point tactics, and constantly spread the ball to open the gap and scored three points. Finally, the whole game ended with a score of 110-51. Tsinghua University advanced to the final.

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