0 1 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast bar, April 22 News Warrior star de Raymond Green updated his own podcasting program today and talked about Curry’s performance in G3.

Chasing the Dream said: “Brother, you once again use performance to impress me, once again! I don’t know how to thank him. His performance in G3 is absolutely amazing. This is a master working. In life, you seldom witness the master’s work with your own eyes, so everyone should be grateful. I know I am really grateful.”

“We saw Stephen Curry in the finals model in G3, which is absolutely incredible.”

G3 Curry played for 37 minutes, with 25 shots of 12, 6 and 6 penalties in the 3-point 12, the highest 36 points in the whole game were cut off, plus 6 boards, 3 Help 2 broke 1 Cap, only 1 mistake, positive and negative values +24.

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