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Live Bar, May 4 -clippers star George updated his personal podcasting program today and said he understood brother Alphabet’s speech after being eliminated.

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George said: “I understand brother alphabet, they are the first in the league record. They have made some progress, but they stopped the first round, so have they completely failed this year? From his point of view, obviously not. From the stag’s point of view, they have the highest odds of winning the championship, but they can’t win in the end, which is failure. However, it doesn’t matter. Failure will drive you to continue to make progress. They have learned a lesson this year and will become a completely different team next year.”

“Besides speaking of myself, I played in the league for 13 years without a champion, which is what I pursue, so I failed 13 times. However, I was selected as an all-star in the third year of joining the alliance, and became famous for it, and then got the top salary contract, so from a personal point of view, I did not fail. If you ask me, do we have a chance to win this year’s lineup? Or not winning the championship is not a failure, I think it is, because winning the championship is our only goal, but we did not do it.”

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