0 2 min 1 yr

Live Bar, April 27 -the first round G5 in the eastern part of the NBA playoffs ended today. The Heat beat the Bucks 128-126 plus time and advanced to the semi-final with a big score of 4-1 as “black eight.

After the game, basketball commentator Yan Hai posted a post on his personal microblog, commenting on the performance of the regular season champion stag: “This is probably my pair of stag, even the most angry moment for any NBA team in recent years. Last year’s Sun was just disappointed. The Bucks still won the championship in this game. What kind of championship do they win? They don’t deserve to win this series.”

Last season, the Sun won 64-18 and became the regular season champion. It was also the only team in the league that won 60. However, in the Western semi-finals of the playoffs, they lost 3-4 to the Lone Ranger ahead of schedule.

It is worth mentioning that Yan Hai is one of the 12 people who chose the Bucks among the 38 professional narratives/hosts that predicted the championship before the playoffs on the domestic live broadcast platform this year.

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