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Live broadcast, April 29-The draw for the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023 has all ended, and all members of the team where the Chinese team is located have been confirmed.

The Chinese team was divided into Group B, with Serbia, Puerto Rico and South Sudan in the same group.

The post-factory village official BofA talked about the introduction of South Sudan, China’s men’s basketball World Cup rival, as follows:

It is an irrefutable fact that South Sudan ravaged FIFA World Cup qualification with 11 wins and 17 points in 100 rounds. Before last year, everyone just regarded the team coached by Rolle Deng as a potential stock. Nowadays, no African team dares to stabilize them, “World ranking 62” has become meaningless in South Sudan.

There is no denying that the lack of competitiveness in Africa has resulted in the dominant situation in South Sudan. Looking at other teams in Africa, Angola (average height 194cm) and Ivory Coast (average height 195cm) are slightly inferior in size. Cape Verde is old and rough, and Senegal is young and rough, nigeria usually can’t get the strongest lineup, Egypt is in the standard cut-off scores… in contrast to South Sudan, the spider man with slender limbs in the array is not one or two, and the average height is 2 meters 02, the average age of 27 is at the peak, and the fast break can fly up.

If God is envious of eating, then the “soft power” shown by South Sudan is more worthy of learning from African colleagues. This block-and-tear driven team has stable transmission and control, and the ratio of help to loss is not the best (1.3 to 1). The team’s “metronome” and the main force of NBL Adelaide 36 people (Sunday Dech) deeply trusted by coach Rolle Deng, he is one of the few numbers in Africa. He sorted out the team’s attack in an orderly manner, and only 1.7 mistakes were made at the same time when he sent nearly 5 assists per game.

At the same time, South Sudan is not short of a good pitcher, and the flanking group is full of talents. Kuany Ngor Kuany, Bul Kuol, and Peter Jok took a bow and arrow in the qualifier. They felt hot, total 121 votes 56.

You can think that Kool’s resume shows that he is purely extraordinary, but kooani and York were originally players who made a living by shooting, what’s more, South Sudan also has an inside line, Nuri Omot, which can be pulled out. When encountering such superior projection resources, Tongzhou opponents had to accept them. As mentioned above, Cape Verde’s real hit rate ranks second in Africa, and the first is South Sudan. Their figure is, which is 4 percentage points higher than Cape Verde.

In addition to the high offensive efficiency, South Sudan also did not fall behind the defense. Rolle Deng played an important role in shaping and training the team. He did not choose to remain unchanged. In the match, anti-blocking and dismantling strategies such as relieve a garrison, sinking bottom, and delay were used in combination. From time to time, the whole game was pressed tightly, it’s like rehearsing for the World Cup in advance.

There is a widespread view that “Australia is grateful for the rise of South Sudan”. Indeed, there are many players on the South Sudan’s roster who are related to Australia, these players made a leap through the exercise of NBL, and then they had technical poverty alleviation in non-preliminary matches. However, South Sudan is more international than most people think. NCAA, G League, Europe and even CBA all have South Sudan’s national players. Among them, Chinese fans are most familiar with Jo Acuil, a foreign aid from Tong XI this season.

Achur left his hometown in order to avoid the war in his childhood. He moved to Australia with his family and was excavated to the United States to fight NCAA. After starting his career, achur continued to make progress. In the 2021-22 season, he has grown into the core center of Melbourne United and was named “NBL First Center. Nanjing Tongxi brought achur, who had no NBA experience, into his command, which was an affirmation of his strength, and the data that was close to 20+10 in the game was not a failure. The complete South Sudan cannot be separated from the escort of achur. He will be the person responsible for carrying the team’s internal offensive and defensive in the World Cup.

The “dark horse” of South Sudan is eye-catching. Its strength is definitely more than the eighth gear. It can even be said that from style to strength, it is a little restrained from the Chinese team.

Special topics for reporting the men’s basketball World Cup in 2023

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