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After waking up from a nightmare, she rushed to lie in bed for a long time and couldn’t calm down. She couldn’t understand her choice in her dream-promised to go back to japan to play basketball again, “how could I agree?”

Both parents of chong chong were basketball players. Her father was 2.03 meters tall and her mother was 1.84 meters tall. During the professional league in Japan, they were pregnant with chong chong. She seemed to be born for basketball.

According to her parents’ plan, she will be admitted to the traditional basketball school as a sports student, and then enter Tsinghua Peking University through basketball. After graduation, she will challenge the professional basketball. As for the memory of childhood, she only remembered to shoot the ball. She didn’t reject the ball, but when her life was all shrouded in Orange, she wanted to be a bird escaping from the cage.

A letter from Japan saved her. She decided to leave her parents and go to Japan to change her tone. She didn’t know when she was young and ignorant that playing basketball was not as simple as scoring. She needed to adapt to Japanese culture, change her playing style and even fight against school bullying.

She is a sports student. This is her story.


In the world’s most famous basketball cartoon “slam dunk master”, Xiangbei and Hainan reached the last moment, and the SAKULAKI hua dao and Chimu gangxian had the opportunity to kill Kanagawa No. 1 high school, but the key mistake ruined their previous efforts, the whistle sounded, and the SAKULAKI flower Road burst into tears.

In the Japan national competition ten years ago, Fuji Xueyuan High School broke through more than 40 teams and won the championship. It won the only chance to enter the Japan national competition in Yamanashi County and rushed into the starting insider of the team, I wanted to create miracles, but I got Hanamichi Sakuragi script.

In slam dunk, he fought with the Mountain King Industry, fighting the last bullet SAKULAKI, and exchanged a ticket for the top 16 with serious back injury and season reimbursement. In the top eight battles, northern Hunan lost to injuries. In reality, in the 16-in-8 competition, Chong Chong and Fuji JT had the opportunity to create the best result of Young Pioneer team history, but they didn’t expect to pass three sections, and the score difference had exceeded 15 points.

The time left for Fuji Academy is only 10 minutes.

The game continued and rushed out. She took over restricted area near the basket completely and took advantage of her height to grab rebounds and second attack opportunities in succession under the basket. A wave of small climax, Fuji JT took 7 minutes to achieve the reverse. Recalling the plot twist at that time, Chong Chong said with emotion: “I didn’t have a good tacit understanding in the three years of high school, and I completely called in that 10 minutes.”

The Patriot arrived, and the coach drew a tactic, guiding the ball to a 45-degree angle and passing it to a rush of freethrow line. She completed the most critical attack. Everyone on the scene held their breath and looked forward to the most wonderful moment. She broke off her fingers, moved her crotch and prepared to take the tactics. She heard a “bang” sound before receiving the ball.

The teammates who went online suddenly softened and fell to the ground. The basketball slipped away from their hands. The other side grabbed the basketball and ran away with the empty basket.

Fuji Academy was killed. Standing in the same place, I didn’t go to check my teammates with broken Achilles tendon, nor did I comfort my crying bench. I just stood there in a trance. Her high school basketball career was over.


Hello, long time no see. If you remember correctly, your child should go to middle school this year. Are you interested in sending the child to Japan for training? We need tall players and look forward to your reply.” This is a paper handwritten letter from abroad, from coach meizaki of Japan.

In the early 1990 s, Chong Chong’s parents, who had not long retired from the old Shougang team, were invited to go to the Japanese league. Mei Zaki was their coach and friend in Japan. In 94, the mother was pregnant and returned to the country for childbirth. When he was about to leave, coach meizaki told them seriously that when they had children in the future, they must be sent to me for development.

Only the Japanese coach still remembers the greetings from more than ten years ago. After returning home to give birth to a daughter, both of them transformed coaches and took teams in universities and primary schools respectively. Their children were full of eyes and eyes, and they had orange basketball at hand from the beginning of memory.

Starting from the fourth grade, Chong Chong received regular basketball training. Every day after school, she has to practice for 3 hours. In addition to sleeping, parents stared at them for almost 24 hours, even if they were sick or injured.

As professional athletes, Chong Chong’s parents are familiar with everything on the basketball court, including injuries. In their eyes, minor injuries are nothing at all. Since childhood, it is more important for Chong Chong to understand the value of “persistence” and cultivate good training habits.

At the beginning of junior high school, the daily journey of Rush is more compact. At 06:10 in the morning, run to practice physical fitness. At night, when others rest, she continues to play ball. “The latest practice is over ten o’clock in the evening.” The classmate is chasing the fire shadow, she is training. Classmates are chasing stars, she is training. Her classmates are traveling and she is still training.

Even at the dinner table, basketball is the most talked about by a family of three. The mother suddenly grabbed her hand, “your left hand is not quite right. You can do it early.”

Rush with parents

In this boring, repeated and single color filled her adolescence, the invitation letter from Japan became the only chance to rush away from the status quo. She is going to Japan for freedom.


Fuji Xueyuan is different from all high schools in China. The headmaster of the school used to be the host of temples. He introduced meditation into the school curriculum.

Every Monday morning, students should recite the scriptures and call it meditation. Every six months, they have to stay in the temple for several days. All staff dormintory, kneeling and sitting. Shortly after arriving at school, she knelt down with her peers for more than three hours with long hands and feet. Her heart was not clear, but she was more confused, “What does this have to do with playing?”

Before feeling the happiness of freedom, Rush began a bigger challenge.

Kana syllabary pro pictures, hiragana katakana, honorific grammar, and oral writing. I couldn’t understand these in Japanese textbooks. In order to force me to learn better, the high school coach ordered her to contact her family less. Teammates began to “watch” against the all-weather rush without a dead angle, and did not give her the opportunity to write letters and power up her family. At the same time, the parents’ calls were rejected by the school.

The punch is completely disconnected. She knew nothing about the situation of her family in China, and so did her parents. During that time, she cried from time to time. She didn’t want to train, but she couldn’t talk. Seven months later, she finally couldn’t bear it. She pretended to fall asleep when all her teammates fell asleep. She quietly got out of the bed, ran out of the dormitory and rushed out of the school. In the 24-hour convenience store not far away, she dialed the long-lost phone number beginning with 86 with the only remaining 1,000 yen.

“Hey, Mom.”

At 3 o’clock in the night Beijing time, the phone got through. Instead, I didn’t know what I wanted to say, but I was crying all the time.

“Don’t cry, don’t cry. How expensive the phone bill is, “mother was calm,” speak quickly, how are you recently.”

The girl who was more than 1.8 meters tall, holding the microphone in both hands, answered her mother crying and trembling. 5 minutes later, the phone balance was exhausted, a long tone of “drop”, and a new round of disconnection began.


A year ago, although there was a rambling basketball class on the table, she could enjoy three meals under the careful care of her parents. When she arrived in Japan, eating was a challenge that tightened her spirit.

In Japanese’s view, three meals are the best exercise method to develop the brain-to eat with the left hand and fully develop the right brain. Sports students have a large amount of food for each meal, and the coach requires them to finish it within 15 minutes without leftovers. As a freshman in senior one, he had to go to the stadium in advance to set up equipment for his predecessors to use after dinner. Excluding this time, the actual dining time is only 10 minutes.

At that time, it seemed that the whole world was doing the right thing with Chong Chong. The beans in Japan are very small, and it is hard for her to hold her right hand, let alone her left hand. She couldn’t finish such harsh and strict meal conditions and didn’t want to compromise any more. Once she secretly changed her right hand to eat, but was discovered by the senior. After a severe criticism, she would accept the punishment of running 5 kilometers.

The mood of rushing for a long time was completely ignited. She was so angry that she blurted out a Japanese word she had just learned, “Why?

Everyone present was surprised. It was not the Chinese player who learned authentic Japanese, but in the Japanese campus environment, the younger generation was not allowed to contradict the senior. A senior schoolmate who was also from China immediately grabbed the rush and pulled her to the little black room for an interview. After some reconciliation, I rushed to accept my recklessness and could only bow to apologize, “す み ま ん ん”.

Even the stadium is no longer her comfort zone. Japanese basketball needs a big insider too much. The first priority that the coach told her is not to leave restricted area near the basket. The idol of Rush is Ginobili, a defender who is full of imagination and good at throwing fairy balls on the court, but here, she is forbidden even half of the basket.

“You must be obedient. If you don’t ask you to shoot, just stay in restricted area near the basket honestly. Just protect the rebound. Don’t do anything else.” During the training, the coach often blows and stops the game and repeatedly tells her this sentence.

CIC is the favorite and best offensive skill in Rush, and the coach’s prohibition makes its free play space shrink again. Unwilling to act as a rebound tool, the role rushed back to the bench, and his eyes turned red instantly, feeling wronged.

Uncomfortable habits, language barrier, and different thinking. At a glance, there is no friend around you who can tell and listen. The long-term communication was blocked, and it was isolated and depressed. The 16-year-old rushed to retreat, “I really want to go home.”

The voices of doubt from time to time came from inside and outside the field, just like spreading salt on her wound. In a trance, the rushing self-esteem was stung. “I know some people will look down on me at this time and want to compete for the main position, but I can’t let them succeed.”

The stubbornness and forbearance in the bones let rush back on the road. Every day she holds a Japanese book, either memorizing words or reading grammar. Practice after learning, and say after practicing. After more than a year of isolation from Chinese, she was finally able to listen, read and write without effort, and gradually became one with Japanese teammates.

In her second year of senior high school, she gradually adapted to the team’s tactics and coach’s requirements. In the year of senior three, she stood out with the team all the way. Under the gaze of all over Japan, she stepped on the stage where millions of Japanese teenagers had been waiting for a long time. They are 2 points short of the best record in school history.


After graduating from college, I had to make a compromise on the court and finally had my own choice.

Chong Chong decided to leave the stadium and enter the workplace. In the interview of several Japanese enterprises, Chong Chong quickly received offers. To her surprise, Japanese enterprises did not discriminate against sports students, on the contrary, I think the experience of sports training is a big bonus.

“In Japan, there are not many people who can stick to it until they graduate from college as a sports student. Secondly, the company will think that sports students generally have more endurance and strong teamwork ability, and the overall advantages are more prominent.”

She chose to work in hotels and TV stations one after another. From Osaka to Tokyo, she was like many Japanese youths who could not become professional athletes, living a life of nine to five and working overtime on business. Occasionally, some coaches find her and then pick up basketball. The passage of time and role change make her re-examine the relationship between herself and basketball. What she hated was not basketball, but the freedom that was bound. She began to miss the release on the court and her enlightenment coach, her parents.

In 2020, Chong Chong, who played and worked in Japan for ten years, decided to return home. In the gap before the plane took off, she “passed the movie” in her mind, thinking of her wish when she left home that year, but she could beat her mother when she was single-handed. She sent a WeChat message about her mother. Mother replied in seconds: it can’t be beaten. After surgery two years ago, the menisci had been completely removed.

At that time, I didn’t know how to reply. I typed a few words and deleted them. The stewardess urged to turn on the flight mode, rushed out of the chat page and closed her eyes, “Well, this meal is a family reunion dinner, you can stop talking about basketball.”

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(Text/Xu Zexin)

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