0 1 min 2 yrs

Live broadcast on April 22 News NBA playoffs first round G3, Warriors home court 114-97 victory over the King, the total score back to a city, currently 1-2. In this game, Warrior center Luoni started for 31 minutes, scored 4 points in 6 Middle 2, grabbed 20 rebounds (including 9 offensive rebounds) and also sent 9 assists, plus 1 snatch, the positive and negative values are +21.

According to statistics, the total number of offensive rebounds in the playoffs last season, the regular season this season and the playoffs this season has been the first in the league! The details are as follows:

Last season’s playoffs: Rooney’s 63 offensive rebounds league first (the second is wikins’ 54)

Regular season this season: Roney 274 offensive rebounds league first (the second is 267 of Mitchell Robinson)

Playoff this season: Rooney ranks first in 12 offensive rebounds (tied with little Sabonis)

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