0 2 min 2 yrs

Live Bar, May 7-recently, Liu Xiaoyu, a men’s basketball player in Beijing control, received an exclusive interview with the program “The Player.

Q: In fact, it is OK for you to enter the entertainment circle. Have you ever thought about it?

Liu Xiaoyu: I am already preserved ham. I had some chances to go when I was young, but at that time I wanted to play the ball well first, so I didn’t do these things, now we don’t have to think about it. What we think more now is that we cherish the time of playing basketball and think about things related to basketball in the future, which can help our teenagers, one thing that can develop our basketball.

Q: to ask you a curious question, why did brother Yu have the same photos as those of more than ten years ago?

Liu Xiaoyu: I think the most important thing for me is that my weight may not change much because my weight has not changed much, then the remaining facial features may need to be closer to see the changes clearly. There is not such a big change, but there are already traces of time.

Q: Is there any maintenance secret?

Liu Xiaoyu: I’m rough, and I don’t care much. If you have a good attitude, you will be young. You can engage in the sports you like and do the things you like.

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