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Live Bar, May 11-NBA officials today announced the list of the best team in the regular season this season. The Grizzly star Morant failed to be selected.

The failure to be selected for the best lineup this time will make Morant miss the qualification to upgrade his 5-year 0.193 billion-dollar contract to 5-year 0.233 billion-dollar super top-salary contract, directly losing 40 million dollars!

The grizzly bear reporter Drew Hill repeatedly analyzed the reason why Morant lost the election. He wrote: “Morant is a super top-level player, but he didn’t get the super top-level salary.”

“Obviously, Morant’s appearance rate this season is higher than that of last season (57 games rose to 61 games), although the average score in the game decreased slightly (27.4 points dropped to 26.2 points), however, the average assists in the game increased (6.7 times rose to 8.1 times), and the grizzly bear’s record ranked second in the West. I am sure that some judges considered his off-site events when voting, but both my colleagues and I think Morant’s data is good enough.”

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