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Live broadcast on May 1st News CBA playoffs semi-final G3, Shenzhen home court 98-81 beat Zhejiang, the big score 2-1 leading. After the game, Zheng Yonggang, head coach of Shenzhen team, attended the press conference.

When talking about this game, Zheng Yonggang said: “It is really hard to play, and both sides are very fierce. Especially in the first half, including the third section. I think the defensive strength in the first three sections is really (very difficult) if both sides want to score, but we still reached the end. It happened that we also used this tenacious defense and finally won. This game is really not easy. From the technical statistics, we have won each other for three consecutive games. However, there are still a lot of mistakes. Today, there are 19 more mistakes. The number of mistakes in three games is almost 60. We also need to summarize this in time. There is also the fourth game. Although we are leading 2-1 now, Zhejiang team is still a strong team with strong strength and the regular season champion. We ‘d better make adequate preparations and go all out to play the fourth game.”

When asked whether the mentality adjustment in the next game is important, Zheng Yonggang said: “Indeed, because the same opponent in the series has to play many times. Both sides are well aware of techniques and tactics, including the technical characteristics of personnel. There is no secret. In my opinion, if you want to win the game, you still need to make some corresponding adjustments in some techniques and tactics, because the regular affirmation everyone knows that it depends on who adjusts well and responds well on the spot. Winning these two games, these old players in our team really played a very good core role. Foreign aid salinjie, domestic players Zhou Peng, Gu Quan, Xiao Shen, including Xiao He, they can stabilize the situation on the court at a critical time, which is also the key to our success.”

When talking about the defensive arrangement of the team, Zheng Yonggang said: “Because I also said before, if you want to win this series, you must rely on defense. Wu Qian scored 12 points today, 2 in 9 points and 1 in 17 in the first two games. We must use this kind of high-intensity defense to limit the opponent. We all know that winning depends on defense, therefore, we have also arranged the defensive requirements in detail before the match, and we have made preparations, including personal preparation and everyone’s situation. Through these two games, it has indeed achieved results.”

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