0 1 min 1 yr

Live broadcast on May 2nd news NBA eastern semi-final G1,76 people away 119-115 like Green Army, the big score 1-0 leading. After the game, Maxi was interviewed.

When talking about enbid, Maxi said: “During the whole year, sometimes he can’t play. There are many capable players in our team who can stand up…… I said before the game that it would be a fierce battle. It was indeed that everyone played very hard. I think everyone who played was a fighter.”

In this campaign, Maxi’s outside hand feeling is slightly iron, but there is still a key play. He played for 36 minutes in the game. He made 10 shots in 24, 2 out of 9 in 3, 4 out of 4 free throws, and got 26 points, 1 board, 2 out of 4. In the third competition, he scored 11 points alone.

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