0 2 min 1 yr

Live broadcast bar News on May 3 yesterday, Li Yuelu, the women’s basketball national hand, talked about his own situation in the social media, revealing that he had suffered a three-degree tear of the posterior cross ligament, and the degree of tearing was basically the same as that of breaking.

After the news was revealed, inspector Zhao, a media person @ ball ring, talked about this in the media. He wrote: “The inspector wants to ask why the diagnosis results at home and abroad are so poor? Li Yuelu is the treasure of China women’s basketball, and the tear of the cross ligament is an injury that affects the sports life. The day she was injured in the wcba finals was March 12, and now it is May, did she miss the best time to recover from this? Who is responsible for this?”

Relevant news reading:

Li Yuelu: the degree of third-degree tearing of posterior cross ligament is basically the same as that of broken

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