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Philadelphia vs Boston Mount Tianwang.

Harden scored 45 points in the first game, 5 out of 28 shots in the second three games, and 42 points in the fourth game. In the first series of his career, he played more than 40 games with two winning balls.

How will he play the fifth game?

As a result, Harden only threw 8 baskets today. The last time he shot less than 8 times in the playoffs, he was injured against the Bucks in 2021 and only played for one minute.

The last time, it was the finals of 2012-at that time he was the sixth man in thunder.

Yes, Harden has never shot 8 shots in a single playoff game as long as he is healthy since he started.

Today, he played like this-still after his 42 points.

Philadelphia opened today with the main attack of enbide, and Maxi lost the company in the opening, but Harden fed him a three-point chase. At the end of the first quarter, enbide covered maxi and asked him to attack: philadelphia kicked off the score.

Then Harden repaired the knife: a fake action swung through Brogden’s three-point ball, and one retreated to cheat smart shot.

The Celtics began to exert strong pressure in the second quarter, and Harris received two vacant jump shots from the weak side. When smart began to make up for Harris, Harris gave back to enbide CIC.

Tatum was nine points short. The Celtics began to attack. Harden cheated Smart three points to foul, and then found the attack himself and fed it to enbide.

Enbide found the weak Harris middle pitch again, creating a left-wing three-pointer opportunity for Maxi.

Section 4 Celtics tightened the front, Harden turned back to House and enbede after three breakthroughs.

Lao Li praised Harden after the game, saying that he was like a perfect baseball catcher, holding the game, controlling the rhythm and allowing the team to breathe.

It is completely a digression:

The Catcher in the Rye, The Catcher in the Rye, which literally means The Catcher in the Rye, baseball term.

The title of this book is the main character of the novel, saying that he wants to be a catcher in the wheat field, protecting every child running towards the cliff and preventing them from falling into the cliff (of adults).

What Harden is responsible for today is such a catcher, guarding the rhythm of the game.

However, it is obviously the home court of Boston Garden, but Philadelphia seems to be more abundant and more effective?

In the playoffs this year, the Celtics started with a bright 74-44 half game against the Eagle. At that time, it was impossible to sweep Atlanta, but finally it dawned on to the sixth game. Trey Yang scored 32 points, 35 points, 38 points, 30 points in the second to six games, and a total of 47 assists. The Celtics didn’t do anything to split the eagle.

For Philadelphia, the Celtics gave Harden two 40 + games. Both the second and the third games won, but the first and the fourth games were very different, and they didn’t hold them in the end:

In the first game, he lost 45 points to harden, and also lost to Lao Li’s joint defense. In the fourth game, Jay Lun let Harden go to the kill without any reason. Coach mazula did not call a pause to cause the last attack to time out.

Two days ago, Harden’s fourth blow not only made Philadelphia catch 2 to 2, but also brought back the momentum.

Originally, if Philadelphia came to the fifth scene with a ratio of 1 to 3 and faced elimination in Boston Garden, the mentality could be imagined; But 2 to 2 was different.

The Celts had a chance to get ahead, but they fought one by one and missed countless opportunities.

So I lost today.

Re-look at today:

-Harden changed the style of the fourth game, and the Celtics seemed not prepared enough to pass the ball.

— Maxi, as the main attack of the raider, took advantage of enbide to cover a large number of scores. The Celtics seemed to be unprepared.

— Harris’s weak side offensive, the Celts seemed to be poorly prepared.

— The Celtics seemed to have only prepared the plan to attack Harden and enbede, while Lao Li thought forward a few tricks: Harden used the Celtics to attack and send a pass, harris and Maxi used Celtic’s attention to enbide to be happy.

— Enbide shot like a wind today: the Celtics could not resist his block and tear off, and let him hit 7 in the middle distance of 14, plus three three-point goals.

Perfect catcher Harden, shooter enbide, Maxi’s assault, the weak Harris-Celtics all didn’t take good care.

Philadelphia’s strategy is simple and clear, and it will be released at the beginning:

— Once Shuangjie calls cover, firmly attack. You can empty white, you can empty smart, you can empty Horford, you can let enbide turn the opposite white-I think it is today’s wonderful pen-that is, not to make Shuangjie comfortable. Shuangjie still scored 60 points today, but it came late.

After the game, Lao Li said that he had a misunderstanding with House today:

House compared the X gesture with him, which meant changing people. He was almost out of breath, but Lao Li thought, “Oh, you want me to run an X tactic, right?”

This joke is really very old Li: The time is not often or the rotation is messy, and the state of the players is not counted.

But it was this kind of Lao Li who had already taken down Tianwang mountain with a definite command and a clear mind.

Not only, as he praised, Harden was properly deployed and the team played a brave role, but also because of the following facts:

On the Celtics side, coach Ma Zula said it was calm or trusted team members. It was indeed a lack of strain.

— Even Lao Li was set off like a G-Star!

Tianwang mountain on the other side:

Yokiki has another three pairs, digging kingshare the sun.

On the sun side, Booker + Durant, another 54 points-the Sun scored the highest in each game, always the two of them. It is an advantage and a problem.

Double-edged sword.

The Nuggets have a little bit more tricks.

For example, Bruce Brown, the old teammate of Durant last season, scored the second in today’s nuggets.

The Nuggets did not win the score. No one could score 70 points in a single game. They scored not so unreasonable in ignoring defense, so they had a reasonable way to follow.

Including the series of yorkich, all of which are 35+14+10, not “all of them can be scored like this”, but “how did you think of this ball?”

Booker and Durant scored a total of 54 points today, down from 86 points and 72 points in the previous two games; 43 shots and 18 are not accurate.

Not only tired, but also the defense of nuggets has changed.

In the past, the Nuggets used a lot of online clamping + early rotation prevention methods to deal with the Sun’s naming of jokiki singles. The Sun used Durant instead of cover attack, Durant + Booker’s side and the weak side shooter to disassemble, only in the last season did the third-minute rain in Shamet.

Today, the Nuggets have changed into a new routine:

To the players, they still hit them. Try to drive Booker and Durant to the sideline and reduce their passing perspective.

However, the clamping range becomes smaller, and sometimes it is directly relieve a garrison in advance.

Yokic hit less than three point line, soft delay, blocked the return position, shaking on the ball holder passing line.

Probably, no longer forced to take the ball from Booker and Durant’s hands; If they want to make three points, they will recognize it; Be strong, set traps around; It is very difficult to pass the ball. If Elton takes advantage of the nugget’s soft resistance and tries hard to kill all sides inside, then he is willing to gamble and accept defeat.

Focus on taking away the middle distance and attack basket of these two people.

Durant played 24 minutes in the first half and made 5 of 16 shots. Booker injured his left ankle. Fortunately, Murray also stopped in the first half.

The 3-point difference entered the second half, and a lot of Nuggets came out.

At the beginning of the second half, the Nuggets attacked: Gordon pulled Durant to freethrow line, and yokki took a cover from Murray to block Elton and the CIC.

— Ayton had to protect the basket, so it didn’t stick to jokedge, but it was blocked by Murray who was short of him.

This is a new pattern of Nuggets after Murray held his back in the second game.

“It is said that the cover is big and small. Let’s see how small it can block Elton?”

Durant tried to make a ball for Elton in the next round, and the passing line was cut off by the Nuggets; Booker’s right bottom corner was left empty, and he threw a Middle shot that Hanamichi Sakuragi pairs of mountain kings had made, but he didn’t enter. Incredible.

At that moment, the whole Nuggets must have known, “Booker’s left ankle really can’t eat!”

Yokedge as Fang trapping poison, continue to find a two-person turn on the edge and make a ball for the basket:

Durant played in the first half and had no strength to make up his position from the weak side. As soon as jokedge pulled Elton out of the basket, the solar penalty area was empty.

Murray scored 5 points in a row, Durant returned to the two raid, and then yorkic took over:

— An internal cut hit three points and covered Valen with a shot; Elton and Murray card didn’t win, and they were caught by KCP to rebound. Yorkich ran a counterattack and pulled 10 points to stop the sun; the sun paused and Durant made an offensive mistake. Yokki split the three-point ball with one stop and pulled 13 points. The sun was messy. Murray and yokki turned to attract the whole team of the sun to attack. The three-point ball was PROTONIC and pulled 16 points.

— In this paragraph, the utility of the two-person rotation in yokedge space is maximized.

Then there is the Nuggets defense masterpiece:

Durant and Booker tried to turn two people. The Nuggets were relieve a garrison ahead of schedule. Gordon went to Booker. Jokiki delayed his return to position and took Booker’s breakthrough route. Durant also had no space. Booker forced his investment, got a hat from Gordon.

— Shooting with Booker’s high shot, the center shot rarely eats hats. Gordon is not good at sealing.

— Booker’s physical condition, Nuggets’s defensive layout, to that.

After this goal, Durant went to rest for the first time, but the Nuggets did not let the sun breathe: At first glance, Booker led the team alone, box-1 and joint defense took turns. Booker got a hat from yokki and turned back to yokki and pulled back to 20 points.

— This is the Nuggets targeting Booker.

Then came the cruelest moment of nuggets:

The whole team went down to rest, but jokiki didn’t rest and finished the third quarter. Durant was first cut off by Murray, Braun hit back and dunk; Yokedge cut off Durant’s pass again, and the ground battle went to the basket to attract Durant’s attack. After passing the ball; Durant had no time to turn around, his old buddy Jeff Green in charge had already done it internally, take yokedge to pass the ball and lay down the basket. Pull 21 points.

The narrator shouted, “the Nuggets are picked up for nothing again!”

— This is the Nuggets targeting Durant.

Jokiki accompanied Budu to finish the third quarter: Budu didn’t end up, jokiki didn’t rest.

Durant scored by breaking through in the third quarter, but Booker scored 1 in the third quarter.

Of course, in the fourth quarter, jokiki still took a 3-minute break. The sun once chased 18 points, and then the most fun moment was:

Murray hit Booker when he cut out. He was not happy. He ran to Bruce Brown to ask for the ball and wanted to pick his senior brother alone. Bruce waved his hand and refused, calling Gordon’s cover, beat Alton and make free throws.

— Murray, the champion of the Nuggets outside, wants to fight for the ball. Bruce, the substitute, can be rejected.

-Bruce felt more sure to beat Elton than Murray to pick Booker who had difficulty in moving with his strength. Facts proved that he was right.

After yokedge came on the court, Durant once again went through a lot of hardships to pass Ayton, but yokedge returned to position, Elton hooked rim to the back edge, Murray also played a board; Durant passed again, the second counterattack dunk was captured by Braun; Booker tried hard to return a three-point ball, yokedge played Elton to remove the block, hung a vacant connection for Gordon, and reached three pairs; Elton also gave a medium shot, yokedge turned with him and broke through the dunk directly from Ayton. Open 23 points.

Booker returned another three-pointer, but jokiki fed Bruce a basket and shot himself and Murray-the handlebars were all looking for Elton.

Leading 20 points, the Nuggets are still the main force on the court, knowing that Booker and Durant can turn over a game in half a time; The sun also insisted on giving up until 4 minutes left.

Later, the Sun was a little tortured. When I saw jokiki and Murray were going to run, they stared at the line. Finally, the inside line was worn into a sieve.

So Nuggets 3 to 2.

The Nuggets won three games at this point, scoring the top two: Murray + jokiki, jokiki + Gordon, jokiki + Bruce.

They didn’t have the constant firepower of Booker + durant. They just adapted and adjusted, and then yokki asked the team to carry out the routine one by one.

A few days ago, jokiki played the ninth triple double in the playoffs and tied Chamberlain; Today, the tenth triple double, tied Byrd.

He couldn’t catch up with Byrd in the MVP three-way game in the regular season; But there was still room to catch up with the three-match game.

Speaking of bird……

Last year, yorkich completed his career with 516 games with 10,000 points, 5,000 rebounds and 3,000 assists.

Bird used 515 games.

Bode’s first 600 games, 14189 points, 6402 rebounds and 3495 assists.

In the first 600 games of yorkich’s career, 12248 points, 6264 rebounds and 3812 assists.

Although the starting point is different-a first grade is a year, and a second round has been replaced-but the accumulation time is long, and it becomes more and more like.

Not only vision and hand work, but also wish to win.

The so-called word wish to win is simple: it depends on whether you can spell it or not.

Durant didn’t rest in the first half today. Bookrest scored more than 3 points and jokedge scored more than 3 points.

In the third quarter, Booker did not rest. Durant took a 2-minute break, and jokiki played the whole festival.

He and Budu had two swords, and they were full of the first three sections.

In the third quarter where everyone was tired, yokedge scored 17 points, 3 rebounds, 3 assists and 2 caps in 8 shots of 7, and played at both ends of attack and defense: he covered a ball of Valen, run a quick break to pull 10 points; Cover off Booker, and then run two counterattacks to pull the basket to pull 20 points.

At that time, he only rested for three minutes.

The fat man with the heaviest burden and the largest weight in the whole attack and defense field continuously went up and down and ran fast.

Pass the most Demon ball, play the most thief hand work, and run the most frequently.

Today’s live commentary, shark and Barkley chanted:

“Jokedge won Alton twice in a row?”


“Shark, what did I tell you?”

“If yorkich beats me twice, I should retire!”

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