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Wednesday 301 Western basket lianmanresa VS Malaga 2023-05-04 01:30

Visiting team Manresa:

Manresa currently has a record of 9 wins and 21 losses in the regular season, ranking 15th in the West basketball team. The team currently has 83.0 points and 89.7 points in the game, and the offensive end is flat, the defensive end is extremely collapsed. Manresa currently ranks the second-to-last in the league in terms of defense ability, and only the penultimate fuenlabab radar (losing 91.5 points per game) is worse than them in defense, manresa still needs to fight for relegation with all efforts. Manresa is full of interest in this battle. Although Málaga is in excellent state this season, the historical confrontation record of máresa is absolutely in the upper hand, and máresa will undoubtedly fight to the end with Málaga away from home.

Home team in Málaga:

At present, Málaga has a record of 21 wins and 9 losses in the regular season, ranking fifth in the West basketball team. The team has achieved 86.8 points in the current game and lost 76.9 points in the game. There are many points on the offensive side, the defense is very sharp, and Malaga’s performance this season is remarkable. Málaga is currently behind Tenerife (22 wins and 8 losses), a winning gap. Málaga will naturally continue to chase his opponent in the following schedule, strive to counterattack and win the 4th playoff home advantage ranking in the league. The home court of Malaga will face the Nemesis mischievous team Manresa, which is undoubtedly a tough battle for Malaga. This game is likely to be a watershed for the team to compete for the fourth meeting.

Historical Record: Nearly 6 matches, 1 win and 5 losses in Malaga

Wednesday 302 Euro basketball league Olympiakos VS Fenerbahce 2023-05-04 01:45

Visiting team Olympiakos:

The Olympiakos regular season has achieved a record of 24 wins and 10 losses, ranking first in the European basketball league. The team has 84.0 points in the regular season and only lost 75.8 points in the regular season. The attack and defense ends are very well balanced, olympiakos has the best record in Europe this season, and the goal is naturally the sword-pointing champion. The home court of the First Battle of Olympiakos was 79 to 68. In the defensive war, he successfully defeated the super-rich man fenerbach. Lucas and Kostas papanicolao led the next city first, but then G2, the follow-up attack of Olympiakos was weak, and 78-82 at home was reversed and not hostile. In this way, the big score of the two series became 1-1, the two teams returned to the same starting line, and Olympiakos lost the home advantage.

Home team Fenerbahce:

Fenerbahce achieved a record of 19 wins and 15 losses in the regular season, and finally ranked 8th in the European basketball league. The team scored 84.2 points in the regular season and lost 81.7 points in the regular season. It is a multi-point flowering team on the offensive side, however, the team was in a bad state at the closing stage, and the final ranking declined seriously. Fortunately, the playoff tickets were carefree. Under the leadership of Greek veteran karahisi and Taylor dorsi, Schayes, gudrick and others, the whole is still worthy of recognition, looking forward to defending the honor of the Turkish team. Fenerbahce played a 1-1 draw with Olympiakos on the road, and the team successfully regained the home advantage. The two sides will compete with G3 and G4 in Istanbul.

Historical Record: Nearly 6 matches, Fenerbahce 2 wins and 4 losses

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