0 1 min 12 mths

Live broadcast, April 28-today, the president of the Clippers Lawrence Frank was interviewed.

When talking about the team’s double stars Leonard and George, he said: “When we got Paul (George) and signed mini truck as a free agent in 2019, this is not just for one or two years, nor three or four years. You can have these players every year, and they give you a chance. Therefore, the following discussion will continue to focus on these guys.”

He emphasized the ability of mini truck and PG: “When you study those championship teams in the past, their teams all have one of the top five players in the league, and mini truck has proved that, when he is healthy, he can become the best player in the world, and George has also been selected as an all-star for eight times. Therefore, we will continue to reinforce these people.”

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