0 2 min 11 mths

Live Bar, April 28 today, the president of the Clippers Lawrence Frank held a final meeting at the end of the competition.

Speaking of the injury problem of the team, Frank said: “The injury is real. As Tyron Lu said, it will be difficult for the injury to take the best two players from any team. This is a fact.

“In terms of how we manage player injuries, for me, it’s just that we ask them to do it and the players do everything to make sure they are ready for the playoffs.

“I think sometimes we ignore the difference between” injury “and” load management “, just like Leonard had to face three different injuries after recovering from the anterior ligament tear, this is not load management. Everyone is an expert in other people’s bodies. He is dealing with injuries, and so is PG.

“Load management refers to how you manage it to prevent further injury when you recover from injury. We will discuss everything, but I think sometimes the narrative of load management is wrong, because when a person is injured, he is indeed injured, and sometimes he is just unlucky.

“Players in the history of the league, as they grow older, strong and healthy guys like Leonard and Paul always have the risk of injury in the way they play, I think we will continue to explore how to do everything better.

“PG was injured accidentally, but Leonard Ben was in a good position. In the first two playoff games, there was no better player in the world than him. As you know, in the past 35 games, his level may have never been reached in the previous regular season, but as I said, sometimes you also need some good luck.”

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