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Live broadcast on April 21 news CBA playoff 8 entered 4G2, Beijing lost Liaoning 86-105 at home, and the big score was eliminated from 0-2.

After the game, Beijing team player Raymond wrote in an article: “It took one night to calm his mood. Congratulations to Liaoning, the hometown team, for its successful promotion. They once again used their hard strength to let themselves see the gap with the top players!

“The taste of being eliminated is always hard to say. Recalling that I have been in the team for three years, I have learned too much in these three years, with laughter and tears, there is regret and hope! Thank you for everything I met when I came here! Thanks to all the fans who support us! Finally, I want to end it with a passage from teacher he Wei. “success is only for a while, failure is the main theme, but how to face failure, people are divided into different ways. Some people will be defeated by failure, and some people can get up and continue to move forward. I think the real maturity is not to pursue perfection, but to face my own shortcomings, which is the essence of life. Romain Rolland said that there is only one kind of heroism in this world, which is to recognize the truth of life and still love it.’

Let’s go BeiJing”

In this campaign, Raymond scored 11 points and 6 rebounds.

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