0 1 min 8 mths

Live Bar, April 20 news recently, Reddick talked about former coach Rivers in his own podcasting program.

Related reading: Rivers once coached Clippers: that team will never win. We don’t get along well enough.

Reddick said: “I can tell you that we still have 11 points ahead when we have 4 minutes left in our G5 defeat against Thunder. Losing has nothing to do with the cooperation between players. We had a 3-1 lead in the rocket and finally lost, which had nothing to do with cooperation. That was not the reason why we lost.”

In the West semi-final of 2014, the Clippers lost Thunder 2-4; In the West semi-final of 2015, the Clippers were reversed by the Rockets in the 3-1 lead.

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