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The first battle laid the tone of this round of series: The Lakers hit the inside line of the Warriors, the Warriors shot through the outside line of the Lakers, and each of them played the ultimate level in the field they were best.

The Lakers’ body shape, strength, and impact vitality are all in the best, with heavy eyebrows and basket impact, Lao Zhan’s solid back beating, Schroder holding the explosive bag to rush into the array, and the Lakers’ ball killing the basket-half-score 8 middle 1, the game inside shooting 54-28 warriors, free throws 29-6 Warriors, cap 10-3 Warriors, the Lakers except the three-pointer, all aspects are good.

Warriors use conduction, response, and projection accuracy to show the execution power. Lu NI and the dream catcher hand in hand, hang a ball-free cover for the shooter group, and the water flower tea will shoot when it is pulled up around the pile — 13 points in half a time, all arrows go through the heart, the three-point score is 36 points more than the Lakers in half. Projection is the skill of the Warriors to settle down.

Both sides came and went, and the scene was very lively, but as the game went on, it was not difficult to find that the Warriors all relied on projection to maintain the attack, and the thick eyebrows contracted potty chair to dominate the basket. The defensive abilities of the thick eyebrows, Lao Zhan and brother Puao were obvious to all, warriors dare not challenge the penalty area defense; The Lakers hit 4 points in the third quarter. Once the Lakers find the feel of the three-point goal, they instantly establish a double-digit leading advantage. The Lakers have too obvious internal advantage and everything is ready, only three points short.

Heavy Eyebrows hit the second half, facing the inside high pressure of the Lakers, the warrior’s signature died five dead three points rain blew out 14-0 to spread the difference, and finally only the difference was in the super far three points of Poole. The internal line is naturally a huge disadvantage. The Warriors can fight to the end with five small ones. In fact, it is awe-inspiring.

Poole’s final 28-foot super-far three-point choice was actually fine. It was absolutely a big vacancy, and he hit the super-far three points at the same distance at 2 minutes 48 seconds before the final match. The game of Poole is 6 in the 11th three-point ball, and the water flower tea is 6 points each. Poole’s three-point shot percentage is higher than the water flower in this game. The hero ball becomes the king and the enemy is defeated, which is harmless.

The head coaches of the two teams made targeted designs in the opposite positions, and made-to-measure defense strategies according to the characteristics of the other team.

The Lakers sent Fan Debiao to guard the library. When the library and the number 2-4 block were removed, they used relieve a garrison. When the library and the Luoni block split, the heavy eyebrows directly hit the library; The rest of the Warriors held the ball and broke down the Luoni, the thick eyebrows will shrink and retreat-that is, the Lakers’ defensive end only aims at the block and tear down of Curry, encouraging others to hold the ball with the help of a single block to cover the middle distance, including also putting clay around Luoni to cover the Middle shot, hamm acquiesced to the rest of the Warriors to score, and only attacked Curry and No. 5 block.

At the beginning of the Warriors, the Lakers were invited to open the paper and answer questions: Five people contracted at the edge of restricted area near the basket, and Luoni completely emptied the COSCO cast with thick eyebrows. Fan Debiao was also strategically emptied at the bottom corner, chasing dreams to Defend Brother Pui, no matter he participated in the wandering sweep protection restricted area near the basket — Cole used sea tactics to jam restricted area near the basket. When the Lakers broke down the middle road, the corners of the two wings contracted to help defend, preferring to let the Lakers cast three points to protect the forbidden area.

The presentation of the game also indeed reflects the gap between the projection ability of the two sides: 1 in the opening 8 of the Lakers and 0 in the 3-point 4, the opportunity for the Warriors to shrink and cast to the big space is that they cannot make the shot; the Warriors chased three arrows like rain. Wikins, clay and Curry took turns to ignore the strong defensive vote, and the heroic fast attack three points directly stopped the Lakers.

The Lakers quickly adjusted the focus of the attack, no longer tried the three-point feel, and mainly attacked the inside line. The defender set up a positioning cover for the thick eyebrows. The thick eyebrows were rolled and cut receive the ball around the pile without a ball, and the surface basket hit Luoni. They scored 8 points for breaking through the ball, throwing the ball, and the China investment; eight village fans used the body size back to punish the dislocation-The Lakers began to impact the inside line, and made use of the counterposition height of heavy eyebrows, Lao Zhan and eight village fans to make collective difficulties.

The Warriors insisted on Wikins, clay, Curry holding the ball to block and remove the ball or walking without the ball. They grabbed the shot with the cover of Luoni, and bullied the heavy eyebrows to shrink and sink. Clay bullied Reeves and Wikins to show their aggressiveness in the face of Russell early, warriors used Cosco to score crazy points. Curry even got 8 points and forced his eyebrows to relieve a garrison to three point line.

The two teams have different styles. The Lakers hit the inside line and the Warriors opened fire on the outside line.

Heavy eyebrows showed the ruling power in the internal line of attack and defense, and Warriors avoided the defense according to the strong eyebrows.

Heavy eyebrow attack end 9 in half 10 efficiently contributed 23 points, the face basket held the ball one by one without any solution, the body size of Luoni and dream chasing really does not match the thick eyebrow; The defensive end of the first half was sealed twice, 11 defensive rebound, solid, Luni and heavy eyebrows face against the rebound does not prevail.

Due to the large consumption at both ends of heavy eyebrow attack and defense, Hamm sent heavy eyebrow anti-blocking and dismantling in the first half mainly to shrink and sink, only to clamp the block and dismantling of the library. The Warriors took advantage of the Lakers’ defensive methods. Jia Green pulled out the air and shot it downtown, bullying the heavy eyebrows and potty chair. Lu ni handed Wikins, clay, and Poole hands and hung the cover without the ball, the Warriors scored 13 three-point goals at half-time — only Schroeder’s biting ability was excellent for the Lakers’ outer winding cover. Clay, Poole and Wikins scored a total of 9 points at half-time.

Although the defensive method of heavy eyebrows potty chair cannot be used for three points, it effectively protects the forbidden zone and the rebound. The Warriors only scored 12 points in the first half of the game and scored 3 free throws. There are heavy eyebrows in the basket, and the Warriors dare not break through and cut inside, only three points on the periphery. That is, the strong eyebrow’s deterrent force took away the warrior’s breakthrough and internal cut, and Ham used it to bet whether the warrior’s three-point ball feel could support the whole game.

The inside impact advantage of the Lakers is too obvious. Even if the Warriors have shrunk by restricted area near the basket, the Lakers still scored 32 points in the penalty area and took 17 free throws. Cole used contraction to test the Lakers’ three-point goal. The Lakers easily did not shoot three points. One of the eight three points in the half game simply killed every goal in the basket.

The long distance projection of water scented tea and Wikins made the Lakers dumbfounded, and the confrontation hard solution of heavy eyebrows, old Zhan, eight villages and Schroder also made the Warriors lose their temper.

The Lakers’ three points in the second half felt warmer. In the third quarter, Lao Zhan, Reeves and Brown hit 4 points in the single quarter. The Warriors still insisted on the contraction strategy. With the Lakers’ three points in the big space, they responded, the Lakers established a double-digit lead early. Hamm filled the playing time of heavy eyebrows and played the second half to maintain the absolute offensive and defensive advantage of the inside line on the court.

The Warriors took out five small things to fight for their lives, water scented tea + Wikins + dream chasing, unlimited space, Curry led to break through the ball points, water scented tea turned round and burst to transfer the ball three points to shoot, death three points rain blew 14-0 to draw the score.

In 9.1 seconds before the final match, Poole missed a 28-foot large vacancy, which was far and three points. The offensive turn time was relatively abundant. Poole was in an absolute large vacancy, and it might be difficult to have a big vacancy after passing. Poole’s hand feeling and status are online in the 11th of the three-point game. There is no problem in choosing. The key to Warriors losing this game is not Poole, but the inside line has made the Lakers gain an overwhelming advantage from beginning to end.

The internal short board is a hard injury that Warriors can’t solve in this round of series. The size and characteristics of the heavy eyebrows, Lao Zhan, Puge and eight villages are there, while Luoni, dream chasing, Jia green, although Peyton is conscientious, it is obviously not the same level as the inside line and front line of the Lakers. There were heavy eyebrows in the basket, and only Curry was the one-shot hand of the Warriors holding the ball. The number of cap of the Lakers in this 10-3 game also showed the gap between the two teams in the ability to protect the basket-the presentation of the game also proved, it is impossible for Warriors to open the situation by hitting the inside line.

That is to say, the Lakers can hammer the inner line of the Warriors, but the Warriors can’t hammer the inner line of the Lakers. The Warriors rely on the outer line projection to settle down. However, as long as the Lakers’ empty three-point ball recovers, the internal and external combination will prevail in the scene. When Ham knew all about letting heavy eyebrows hit the second half, the inside line of the Lakers really bullied the Warriors without temper!

Both sides played a phenomenal performance, with equal opportunities, the absolute advantage of the Lakers inside line, the strongest shooter group on the surface of the Warriors outside line, and the extreme inside line and outside line played in different ways, destined for the excitement and shock of this round of series!


NBA in the eyes of uncle Gao Leng in the driver column

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