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The initial change of Warriors played an effect. Little Peyton’s 9 middle 7 efficiently contributed 15 points, while Russell only scored 4 points in the 10 Middle 10 under little Peyton’s main defense, cole realized the strategic intention of the team’s change at both ends of attack and defense.

Warriors control the factors that they can control through counterposition, but there are too many uncontrollable factors: with Russell abandoned, Lonnie Walker’s 15th quarter was divided into the strongest Raiders in this field; clay only scored 9 points in 41 minutes, 0 points in Poole 4, and two of the three musketeers were hoarse, moody once became the fifth person in the warrior’s decisive lineup-Curry 42 minutes 31 minutes 14 assists 10 rebounds 3 steals, the whole team has no good way except relying on him.

The key to the game appeared in the fourth quarter. The first three sharp Curry blocks of the Warriors were removed → attract the attack → Peyton and divencen zoneche disappeared, because the Lakers had no more than relieve a garrison in the fourth quarter of 1-5, heavy eyebrows downtown and Curry one-on-one, Ham showed off the killing trick.

In the 11th Middle of Curry’s last quarter, the whole team of warriors faced unlimited relieve a garrison. After all, only Curry was the only one who could hold the ball and break the game. It was really too tired to hit the end.

Curry is not only tired of attacking, but also tired of defending: Lao Zhan calls the name to play curry to reproduce the rivers and lakes. In a trance, everyone may think that they are watching the riding War in the 2015 finals. After eight years, there is no change in soup, lao Zhan and Walker took turns to hold the ball and cover the wall to find Curry. They were single-handed in turn. The Lakers killed the game 27-17 in the last quarter.

Curry was getting more and more tired by himself. Old Zhan, heavy eyebrows, Reeves, Schroeder and Walker took turns to relay and blossomed little by little. In the key battle where clay and Poole cut 9 points together, Curry dared not relax the Lakers until the last second. Keqin is respectable, although he was defeated!

The first change of Warriors replaced Jia Green with Peyton. Cole’s intention was obvious: Peyton mainly defended Russell, and the Warriors expanded their defense combined with a wide range of shield against balls, putting pressure on the Lakers players to prevent the Lakers from going outside to receive the ball easily, kill the Lakers for three points in battle.

Cole’s move is a feasible adjustment for the Lakers at this stage: G3 Lao Zhan’s first quarter 0 shot, Russell’s first quarter 6 scored 13 points, that is, the Lakers now Lao Zhan has no support for playing, as far as possible, Russell and Rives took turns in the battle. Russell is an important space shooter outside the Lakers. Cole used Peyton to defend Russell to attack the Lakers outside.

The Lakers also made a rapid response to the change of Warriors: they were mainly defending Peyton, Fan Debiao was chasing dreams, Reeves was defending Curry, peyton attack end and Jia Green are unstable space points that can be emptied. The thick eyebrows completely empty Peyton’s tossing and shrink the basket to potty chair; the advantage of Fan Debiao’s anti-dream pursuit is that it can carry out relieve a garrison of the library’s recovery and removal, and Fan Debiao relieve a garrison pairs to the library, this is back to Fan Debiao’s match in the first two games of the series — the Lakers continued to tear down the library, Chase and block, and split the fifth man of Curry and Warriors (Jia Green/Peyton) block and split firmly attack the library to test the smooth handling effect of the fifth person who started the warrior.

The attack of the Lakers was mainly based on the impact of three axes: Counterattack and rapid attack, Fan Debiao, Lao Zhan, and Reeves rushed directly to the Warrior base camp; Heavy eyebrows, Lao Zhan, and the eight villages were hard to solve, heavy eyebrow face basket 3 threatened to use the Chinese investment to chase dreams, back to fight against height dislocation to bully Wikins and clay, eight villages, with his back running against Poole-impact and killing walked up to freethrow line, the Lakers’ strangling method forced Wikins to commit two crimes at 2 minutes 14 seconds in the first quarter.

The Warriors insisted on the most important offensive policy in the series and tried every means to bring the heavy eyebrows out of the penalty area. Because the heavy eyebrows are mainly defending the little Peyton, the Warriors are determined to use the Curry + small Peyton middle line block to remove the hand. The Curry uses the cover to shoot super far and three points. Once the heavy eyebrows are hit, peyton went down to cut the cake inside or asked Wikins to cut the dunk empty.

The Lakers played shock and strangulation. The Warriors spread more and less around the library with gravity. Both teams insisted on punishing their opponents in the way they were best.

Clay half 5 1, Poole 4 0, Russell half 8 1, Reeves 9 3, the two teams in addition to the trump card, the important scoring points in the back are obviously inaccurate, curry and heavy eyebrows were both fathers and mothers, supporting the team to stand firm.

Curry’s high block and split is dedicated to looking for thick eyebrows. Whoever protects against thick eyebrows will pretend to be curry as a cover Wall. Once the heavy eyebrows jump out slowly, Curry shoots with the help of a single shield or directly breaks through the attack basket by using the high position of the thick eyebrows. Curry reads the defensive position of the thick eyebrows like a Loach; once the heavy eyebrows hit curry, curry went out to find Peyton/dream chase to follow. Curry attracted the attack, covered the wall Peyton/dream chase, and then converted the gravity of the library into an internal cut of 4 dozen 3 or an empty space of three points.

Curry has hit the Lakers with a heavy eyebrow relieve a garrison. The Lakers dare not attack Curry. Once the heavy eyebrows leave the penalty area, the inside defense is open, and the Warriors inside shooting 32-22 Lakers in half! Curry gave 7 assists at half time and scored 14 points in the second quarter. He carried the team’s offensive end by himself.

The Lakers Reeves and Russell were misaligned, with heavy eyebrows and baskets chasing dreams and misgrasping their backs. They scored 19 points efficiently in the 8th of half 12, but the defensive end was removed from the penalty area due to Curry block, in the first half, the data of the fight was not cap, but only one snatch was made. In the first half, the strong eyebrows had a lower sense of presence on the defensive side than on the offensive side.

In the first quarter of the Lakers, 0 in the 4th quarter and 2 in the 11th quarter of the half. Under the circumstances of lack of outside fire and inaccurate defenders, Zhan Mei personally took over the 30-point cut in the half to support the Lakers.

The Lakers hit three points in the third quarter, two of which were the conversion of three points. Old Zhan and rives jointly led the climax of the attack in the conversion; Warriors also used the conversion to start, curry continued to pass on the ball for a long time to find Peyton to eat cakes and steal the house. He scored 7 points in the three points of the internal cut and fixed point. Both teams were trying their best to speed up the pace, and the fast-paced running and boom War pushed the game to a climax.

The two sides gave everything in the fourth quarter: Zhan Mei took Walker, Russell/Reeves, Schroeder three defenders, kuchasheng Tang mouth + Peyton/Moody, and staged the ultimate duel.

The Lakers took off the name call Curry, Lao Zhan and Walker took turns to hold the ball in the singles Library, Walker’s last 15 divided into a bench and a geek soldier; Curry’s outstanding individual single hit the Lakers relieve a garrison, in the face of heavy eyebrows, he urgently stopped to throw in the middle or throw up the basket, and the singles Schroder was highly difficult 3+1 — turn-based one-on-one selection, and his blood was in full swing.

In the life-and-death round, the heavy eyebrows downtown two successful single anti-Curry. In the fourth quarter, the Warriors only scored 17 points for the Lakers unlimited relieve a garrison. The Lakers won the match point in a thrilling way, and the Warriors no longer had fault tolerance.

The unlimited relieve a garrison of the Lakers in the fourth quarter became the turning point of the game. Only Curry would have a stable and reliable ability to hold the ball one by one, while the Lakers old Zhan, heavy eyebrows, Reeves, Schroeder, walker can hold the ball to attack single defense. The two teams are both relieve a garrison strategies, but there is a huge difference between the diversity of the tough ability and the choice of ending.

The Lakers’ defense strategy in this game is clear at a glance: in the first three sections, Curry block, split and play tricks, and the fourth section changes to unlimited relieve a garrison, which makes the defense strength full. Zhan Mei’s physical strength cannot reach unlimited relieve a garrison for more than 40 minutes per game, otherwise, the consumption is huge, and good steel is used on the cutting edge. The Lakers can use the traditional contraction and retreat basket to become unlimited relieve a garrison. The comprehensive defensive ability of heavy eyebrows supports the Lakers’ diversified defensive methods.

The most uncomfortable thing for the Warriors is that they stay in the forbidden area as far as possible with a three point that is relatively unstable in the projection on the defensive warriors field. There are heavy eyebrow protection baskets in the forbidden area, and the Warriors cannot play effective internal and external combination.

This also makes the Warriors rotate more and more short. Luoni dare not play the same game as chasing dreams. Both of them eat space and can only have one alone. Jia Green, Peyton and Moody are used in turn, poole is easy to make mistakes without defense. Cole can’t get a space lineup with both attack and defense. So far in the series, he can only defend against who, who and Curry, the Lakers can use unlimited relieve a garrison in local time to resolve this trick.

Heavy eyebrows played an important role that data could not be quantified in the series. The Lakers won the match point 3-1, and the offensive and defensive influence of heavy eyebrows was undoubtedly the basic disk of the Lakers. With Zhan Mei basic disk, Russell, Schroder, Reeves, eight villages, Walker will always be East and West bright, right? The Lakers can win three games, and the depth of the bench after the deal is an important factor that cannot be ignored.

The Lakers have multiple starting levels of nerve knife-holding defenders, while the Warrior bench Poole is hidden for defense and mistakes. There is no harm without comparison!


NBA in the eyes of uncle Gao Leng in the driver column

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