0 12 min 2 yrs

The Warriors played a phenomenon-level away performance, and Cole finally showed a long-lost smile on the away.

8 of dream chasing 10 efficiently cut down 21 points to eat dumplings, Looney 22 rebounds 7 offensive rebounds 7 assists, Clay contributed 25 points and took out the state of G6 in advance, Peyton and Wikins were full of attack and defense vitality, curry 31 points is the highest in the team, killing the game shots-all play, attack and defense are integrated, from 10 points behind to 12 points ahead and then be chased to 1 point, let the wind break the wind, Jinzhou warriors will not be in trouble.

King’s chess was a trick. 8 of the first three-point 12 won the first, but then the three-point 3-point 2 of the 22 in total. The Warriors insisted on the strategic release of Barnes, little Sabonis, Fox (3 of the 10th three-point ball) and Mitchell’s three-point ball. Cole even adopted the regional joint defense special protection forbidden zone to release three points from the third quarter mid-rear section, as long as the King throws the undead warrior in the three-pointer, he will throw himself to death.

In the third quarter of the Warriors, the three-point goal was once 3 in 9, and both teams had a dilemma of lack of three-point fire in local time. Cole increased Curry’s playing time to 41 minutes and 57 seconds. Brown also let Fox play 41 minutes and 43 seconds, and Monk played a substitute for nearly 30 minutes. The two teams met with each other in a short battle, and the victory and defeat were determined by the white-edged assault.

Munk scored 14 points in the last quarter, and 0 of Fox 6 did not score. In fact, the King’s fourth quarter completely relied on Munk to support the field; The Warriors played all their roles, and Wikins large hat Munk sent them to the key singles, as the champion of defending, these old rivers and lakes are too mature and spicy! Especially in the last 2 minutes, the details, accomplishment and discipline gave the Warriors the level of attack and defense like suffocation.

Cole opened the game to split Luni and dream chasing, and dream chasing continued to replace. The starting line-up was Luni with four external lines of water scented tea and Wikins. The rotation line-up used dream chasing + Moody + divenzezo + clay + Poole, warriors make full use of 48 minutes of space on the court.

The Warriors battle took advantage of the space of the four outer lines and the threat of fire to block and tear down against little Sabonis: Curry, clay, and Poole held the ball in turn and Rooney launched a high-level block and tear down. The king chose to clamp the ball holder, after all, the three brothers have a super long range that can be shot with the help of a single shield. Xiao Sa does not dare to shrink and sink; Xiao Sa’s mobile ability is not qualified for unlimited relieve a garrison, the king also didn’t want the ball-holding Impact on Curry, Poole, and clay outside Xiao Sa’s relieve a garrison s and three point line S-the only solution for the ball-holding block and disassembly of Xiao Sa’s waterproof scented tea is clamping, this is also the obvious weakness of the King’s defense in this round of series.

Warriors use the King’s anti-blocking to split and clamp the ball holder. Lu nishun handled the ball. Wikins continuously cut the basket or empty joint along the bottom line, and engraved the Warriors’s past signboard playing method: “Library chasing and blocking and removing → Chasing Dreams smoothly → igodala starts empty connection along the bottom line”, changing the soup without changing the medicine; Due to the slow return of Xiaosa’s attack, the King’s corner rotation and contraction help to fill the middle road, poole’s weak side ambush three-pointer direct vacancy benefits.

Warriors easily expand the local 4 to 3 by blocking and removing the small SA, and the internal cut and the weak side bottom angle are fixed at three points.

The King carried out the “running, running, running, running” emphasized in Brown’s pre-match interview. The defensive end was forced to roll around and run hard. After the successful defense, he pushed back quickly, cainiao Murray obviously took Brown’s task three-in-one dragon to push back and directly rushed into the basket (3 Middle 2).

The King’s positional battle began around Xiao Sa. Xiao Sa hit Lu ni with a basket on one side, breaking through the center shot that forced or tried to be empty; Murray and Fox revolving scenic lantern shot three points around Xiao Sa’s cover hand.

The Warriors still adopted a strategic strategy of releasing and casting based on Shrinkage. The King’s shield was removed from the first day of the junior high school and went off the line. After all, Xiao Sa’s inner line has absolute high advantages, the first step of Fox and Monk is extremely fast. Warriors try their best to put Fox, Xiao Sa and little Mitchell tossing, as long as the Kings will not impact rim.

The King’s defense center of gravity is exactly the opposite to that of the Warriors. The emphasis is on three points, encouraging the Warriors to break through the challenge of internal defense with the ball.

Although the warrior’s strategy of shrinking and emptying non-key people limited the King’s inside shooting to 10 points, the King’s first quarter of this battle was 8 out of 12 points, and the excellent three-point rain response took the lead in hitting an offensive climax, the warrior was once 9 points ahead.

The Warriors did not change their defensive principles. They let Fox hit three points and felt hot. They insisted on the anti-blocking and dismantling strategy of not letting off. They were firm and firm. The king was empty in the second quarter of the three-pointer 9 0, the Warriors took the opportunity to quickly start.

Water Flower tea pressure resistance led the team forward in adversity: Curry took over the ball one by one, threw the basket one by one, shot 17 and 19 feet in a row, the King threw three points, Curry punished the defense with two points; poole counterattacks the lost track Step 2+1, Wikins is confident and decisive when chasing three points; Clay battle block removal is specially designed to find Xiao Sa, key three records high difficulty emergency stop three points against the attack of Xiao Sa big heart-clay single section 11 points, Warriors fall from 9 points to 6 points ahead of the King.

The three points in the third quarter of the two teams are not ideal. The Warrior’s three-point goal 9 is 3, and the King’s three-point goal 7 is 1. Due to the lack of outside fire, the error tolerance rate of one-shot trading was limited, and the two teams began to fight with each other under the crazy basket.

Fox and Barnes Monk hit the singles with the ball. The King mainly played reciprocating points, supplemented by SA and Ryan’s absolute height to kill the forbidden zone. Warriors spread their blocks and splits around the library. The Library has gravity to easily create opportunities for teammates to cut into space. When tactics can’t run out, Curry and Wikins will fight hard in their singles.

The painting style changed from the third section to hand-to-hand combat, and the Battle of Warriors was also changed to the joint defense protection forbidden zone. The King shot and bet to the end.

In the decisive stage, the King killed the basket with one heart and one mind. Monk + Pizza block broke down the two men and turned their hands. Monk played a sharp knife to attack the basket with the ball and hit the basket with the ball. Xiao Sa also went down and hanged the forbidden area, the two once cut 18 points together. The king attacked Curry and tested the warrior’s empty space by three points. The Warrior’s empty space was once 4 out of 0. Curry was again surrounded by two people. The Warrior relied on Peyton’s rush energy to hold his breath, the king reduced the score difference to 1 point.

At the critical moment, the dream-chasing defensive end sent out two steals. Clay was shot 21 feet long and two points under the cover of Luoni. Curry first hit three times into the high-difficulty layup, after holding the ball for coiling, playing with Xiao Sa and Barnes hit to win 2+1 — the Warriors used to hold the ball to block or position 5 to locate the cover for Xiao Sa, and one hole sucked the opponent’s blood dry.

In this round of series, the king did not dare to have unlimited relieve a garrison because of the presence of two major centers, Xiao Sa and Ryan. He was afraid that the super-long range of water flower tea could only be caught by the major centers, no matter in the end, the Curry fengshui ball passed through the attack or the regular time, Rooney and the dream chase each had seven assists, which all pointed to the natural defensive shortcomings of the King’s lineup, and the overall attack of the Warriors could not be grasped without unlimited relieve a garrison.

The overall projection ability of the Warriors is also above the King. Schult, Murray and leels are the key people of the Warriors, including the leader Fox, there are too many people outside the King’s line who are the targets of Warriors strategy to empty. Shrinking and shooting is the main strategy of the Warriors in the defensive end of this series. It is difficult for the King to win without the extraordinary three-point ball or breakthrough performance.

In the past five wars, the king could not naturally prevent the Warriors from taking off the ball, and had no stable three-point fire, three-point shot percentage 30.1%(186 shots 56), this is still under the premise that Warriors cast, the King’s situation is too dangerous.

The Warriors’s ability to project and relieve a garrison is obviously a more comprehensive side, especially their champion details and experience are incomparable to the King. Looking at Curry, clay, dream-chasing, Wikins and Looney’s resolute eyes at the last 4 minutes 14 seconds, it is not difficult to understand that experience is a precious treasure.


NBA in the eyes of uncle Gao Leng in the driver column

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